It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be able to make changes to the confirmation email that is sent when a meeting is scheduled.
The current text of the meeting reminder email is:
This is a friendly reminder that we have a meeting booked on: 11 Jun 2018 17:20 EST
Thank you for all of your thorough ideas. I wanted to let this thread know that we are actively planning some improvements that we can make here based on your feedback. There are a lot of specific requests inside of the broad topic of customization. We won't be solving all of these requests at once, but we are excited to start! I'll keep this group updated with any beta plans.
Just leaving a note here to let you all know that we're still following this closely and are currently exploring some ways we can best solve this issue, so that we can plan the work in the future. I'll hold off on updating the status of this idea until we have something set in Planning.
Re: Customize Meeting Reminder Emails - changed to: Not Currently Planned
Wanted to share an update with every here to give some visibility in what the Meetings and Scheduling team is working on, where this problem/idea might fall in priority, and how we are currently thinking about solving it.
The team is currently in progress working on these 2 projects:
1. The ability to insert specific, clickable times into email
2. The ability for attendees to cancel and reschedule using the Meetings scheduling experience (idea here)
Once these projects are completed, we plan to make some big updates to the scheduling experience from a contact record in the CRM, which we plan should solve this problem and greatly expand the use-cases, flexibily, and convenience for scheduling 1-off meetings.
Following that project, we will be reassessing our major priorities, one of which will be the ability customize/personalize the automated experiences in Meetings. At this stage, we exploring the idea of including 'embedded automation' into Meetings. This would allow for us to leverage the power of Workflows automation to "build" customized flows of reminder emails and more. Beyond work in Meetings, this would also incorporate making meeting/scheduling data more accessible and useful in Workflows for a number of use-cases that we want to support and improve in the scheduling experience.
As we progress in our current priorities we will update here with more details on timing and plans.
Just wanted to provide an update here that this is still not currently planned this year, but we are continuing to follow this thread, and I will post here again once we are ready to begin reviewing to be prioritized for upcoming work.
Thanks everyone for your feedback and patience!
Re: Customize Meeting Reminder Emails - changed to: Not Currently Planned
For transparency I am updating this issue from "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" because we wont be able to get to this in the next quarter. This is one of the top ideas in Meeting, so we will watch this closely and I will make sure to update here periodically until we have a better idea for next steps.
We want our clients and our company to get to know our brand whenever scheduling a demo or a consultation. We understand the personalized assistance is good, but with out first outreach calls we want them to remember our Logo and the name of our company.
We think is necessary to have access to edit this confirmation emails, so we build a better awareness stage with out leads.
Yes, this needs to be implemented. Contacts are also sometimes confused because we don't have the ability to insert key info into the confirmation email (like please join using the zoom link in the calendar event). We could send this reminder in a separate email, but getting two is not a great experience. The change in branding in terms of colours/copy is also not a good experience.
This needs some serious attention Hubspot! Currently when my clients book a photo session with our company they get a Meetings confirmation email, a Google confirmation email and of course are added to a workflow that sends them informational emails and a confirmation email as well, I can only control the email sent from the workflow and I want to stop the other emails, why oh why can I not?????????????? COME ON DO SOMETHING
Just to reiterate what I wrote in an earlier community comment thread: being able to customize this text is actually pretty essential in German. It currently uses the familiar personal pronouns ("Du"), which depending on target audience can come across as rude or just tone-deaf.
For that reason, customers operating in more traditional industries in the DACH region are unlikely to be able to use the reminder email feature in its current form at all.
It would be important to be able to modify the message.
The message should always mention that it is an automated message too to insure that our client understand that it is not necessary to reply. The fact that our clients don't understand that it is an automated message makes unecessary exchanges that slow our work a lot.
With meetings, there is no way to configure the email notification Hubspot sends when the meeting is booked. The user gets two emails: a Google calendar invite (which looks fine), and a secondary email from Hubspot. The later is very bare, and there is no way to configure it in the meeting tool.
Would be great to have a feature for this! Hubspot support encouraged sending this to the Ideas forum.
Hey all, I think this functionality would definitely be useful, especially as I've had a few customers (largely from France) who find that - for their business - the text is too informal. Given it's the first interaction a lot of their customers have with them it would be very useful for them to be able to set the tone and make the best impression!
Neal is absolutely correct in that here in Europe the informal US way of speaking or communicating is most definitely not the norm and can, in fact, be interpreted as disrespectful, it is also generational anyone over 40 like me feels uncomfortable with such informal vocabulary.
We have to be very careful indeed especially when we are dealing with potential or existing clients, it really is a no-no.
The other MAJOR problem we have is the integration with Google calendar, that also generates it's own invitation! Which, wait for it... allows clients to cancel or reschedule at the click of a button, for some that may be a boon, but for us we can have a full weekend of 20 odd appointments easily cancelled or rescheduled because its a nice day...
Integration with a calendar like iCal that doesn't strongarm you into sending invitations but allows you total control over what goes out as confirmation would be best, as previously mentioned here a workflow with our own branded and designed emails, please.
Even integration with an open source calendar or even a Hubspot calendar!
All of the above does not seem a lot to ask really...
Love this idea, Dan. As someone who migrated over from Calendly (like so many others) after upgrading to HubSpot Sales Starter, I'm very particular about my image. I want to control what the recipient gets and how it tooks.
Sadly everyone I think we are all pi****g in the wind, it appears we are all screaming at HubSpot but nobody is listening, come on boys and girls DO SOMETHING!
How is this not a thing already? Why wouldnt we be able to simply create our own confirmation email and reminder email i in the email section, and designate these in the meeting section? Surely this is basic functionality!!!! We go to all this effort to create marketing emails in complex workflows, but when it comes to emails related to meetings - my propsects recieve basic html text emails that look amateur! Common hubspot!!!!
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