I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
We plan to start the beta for this feature in a couple of days. If you are interested in being a part of the beta group, please direct message me your Portal ID. Please note that this feature is only available for Sales & Service Professional and Enterprise customers.
Apologies for the silence here. We just started engineering work on this feature and hope to have a beta out by end of the month. I will keep you all posted on the progress we are making. Thank you for your patience.
I have some good news for you all! We are picking up this feature for development. Since rolling out this feature requires coordination between multiple product teams, I don't have an exact timeline now but hope to share more details soon.
I would love to recruit some beta test users when we are ready. Keep an eye out for my updates.
Thank you for your patience while we work on delivering this feature.
First off, apologies for the back and forth on this feature request over the past week.
My name is Vijay Vadlamani and I recently joined HubSpot as a Product Manager in charge of Email and Calling Features within the HubSpot CRM. I'm here to provide an update on this feature request.
My team is currently working on improving the core infrastructure and performance related issues with calling which will make the calling experience reliable, fast, and that just works for our customers across all regions. This means we are unable to immediately deliver on additional customization features such as this one at this point in time and I unfortunately don't have an exact timeline. However, we realise the value this feature adds and your feedback here will help us priortize once we accomplish our immediate objective - to make calling fast and reliable for all our customers.
Thank you for your patience and I will keep you all posted on our progress.
We're continuing to evaluate the possibility and details surrounding "Customized Call Outcome Options". However, at this point I am going to move this idea backwards to the "Idea Submitted" stage as we are not actively planning to deliver this in the coming weeks or months. We're continuously focused on building great products that can help you grow better, but at this time our efforts are focused around rounding out our core offerings as opposed layering on customization.
That said, we certainly see the value in allowing customizable call outcomes and will update this issue when we re-shift our focus towards solving this problem.
Re: Customize Call Outcome options - changed to: In Planning
big difference between "connected" and "meaningful conversation". Would love to be able to distinguish and look at conversion rates between meaningful conversations and booked meetings.
We tried to add a new value for a simple "Not In Service" and couldn't find a way to customize this. +1 for adding this flexibility in the call outcomes dropdown.
This feature would be very helpful for our business. We have an unusually long list of different call outcomes that we need to monitor. We currently have our salespeople fill out a property we made from scratch but it is clunky and takes a lot of time.
Please make this happen HubSpot. Meeting Types are customizable, why can't Call Outcomes be customizable?
another vote for me! this is important for tracking conversion rates from meaningful connection to meeting. "Connected" is not enough detail. Please get this done.
We're continuing to evaluate the possibility and details surrounding "Customized Call Outcome Options". However, at this point I am going to move this idea backwards to the "Idea Submitted" stage as we are not actively planning to deliver this in the coming weeks or months. We're continuously focused on building great products that can help you grow better, but at this time our efforts are focused around rounding out our core offerings as opposed layering on customization.
That said, we certainly see the value in allowing customizable call outcomes and will update this issue when we re-shift our focus towards solving this problem.
Hey there! The little hack I've found last week for this is to customize "Call Type" (Settings-->Sales-->Call & Meeting types)
There I've put the possible outcomes for a phone call: No answer, Recepcionist, Spoke to Decision Maker, Booked Meeting, etc. (my team is composed of SDRs who make cold calling, mainly)
@bsn how many votes to you Need this has been asked for two years no and we are still getting this responce- thank you for reaching out to HubSpot Support! Unfortunately, there is currently no way to add or customize the Call Outcome options. That said, this functionality is currently in planning so I would recommend up-voting and following (Options > Subscribe) a similar request in the Ideas section of our Community Forum (here). This forum is where our development team finds inspiration for many of our new features, tools, and updates. More requests/votes for a feature pushes them to look at the feature more closely. If you follow an idea, you will be notified of a change in its development status.
How many requests/votes do you need to keep up with your users regest. smh
1) You can set up email reminders to be sent (optional when creating task
2) You are notified the day it is due in the notification center (See screenshot from my Hubspot instance. Again this happens the day it is due (happens automatically). Screenshot below
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