Hi all! We now have a customer portal feature in public beta for Service Hub Professional and Enterprise customers. Thank you so much for all of your feedback to date; we appreciate it so much!
We will be expanding the beta over the coming weeks and months. For those who would like access:
If you have already DM'ed me for access to this beta: I have made a note of your details and will add this feature to your account in the coming weeks, if it is not already there!
If you have not already contacted me or your CSM about this feature: Please submit this form with your details. There will be a delay to get access, but the feature will be in your account in the coming weeks.
@FAvédian & @mikloso happy to take down your details for the beta. Would you pleasee send me a direct message with your email and HubSpot portal ID? Thanks!
Our company just started using Hubspot and I was very surprised that this feature is currently not available. Hopefully it is in the pipeline and not too far away
Thanks so much for speaking with me today, it was an absolute pleasure!
I reached out to my team internally regarding whether there is a tool in planning from the development team here which allows customers to see the status of a ticket submitted and they have confirmed with me that there isn't. I totally understand the usage of a tool like this. As a potential workaround, I know my colleague Matt already mentioned it to you but you could set up automatic emails that are sent out when the ticket stage changes.
I understand that this is not the answer you were hoping for but I hope this information helps you out nonetheless. Please let me know if I can clarify anything on the above.