Yes please! Being able to customise and add task properties would be an enormous help.
I´d like to re-assign my tasks to my colleagues while I am on holiday, which I can do.....but then re-assigning back to myself can be difficult. Hard to differentiate in a task list which tasks really belong to myself or my colleague. It would be a big time saver to be able to add a property to show who is the original company/contact and add this to our columns on the task list for a quick glance search.
It'd be super valuable to be able to show custom properties (or any property for that matter) on the Task view as a column AND be able to create filters on these properties.
Currently trying to do so with a custom value that ID's contacts who have bad/wrong numbers that I'd like my team to skip over re-calling, and the inability to do so creates a situation where we are wasting a lot of time double calling numbers that we've previously ID'd as bad.
It's great that there is a forum here to make requests, replies, and upvote on things. Seems this particular thread has been going for 2+ years - at what point can we get a response from HubSpot in terms of their thoughts, if this is something that is on their roadmap or a reason as to why specifically they are choosing not to include this? Perhaps there is a better way of accomplishing this? If so, what is that best practice?
The ability to customize filters in the tasks section really helps with workflow - seems like it should be a no brainer?
I agree! Our team is so reliant with task everyday that this feature needs to be added, ASAP! I hope Hubspot Team can look into this, ASAP. Looking at this trail, it's been 2 long years. Come on, HS Team! You're better than this!
I would like to use custom properties on Tasks so that we can track more details about activities and review productivity. For example:
Time limit (or effort required) e.g. 30 mins, 60 mins etc - this will help with capacity planning
Effort type e.g. Strategic, Configuration, Admin (will also help with assigning the 'right' types of task to allocate different employees)
Lead time
Cyle time
If custom properties aren't possible, would be very happy with having more standard HubSpot properties available on Tasks and Meetings that align with 'Lean' methodology (lead time, cycle time etc).
I appreciate there are other app add-ons that help with more detailed Project Management, but with just a few additions/extensions this functionality could be very neatly housed directly in HubSpot. The sidebar that appears in the Task list is very useful, so it's just about adding a bit more granularity to what we already have for those clients who don't need a full PM solution.
As a HubSpot Partner, I would also be very happy to provide input to a Product Manager about how the standard Activity object could be extended. Just let me know. Thanks in advance.
This is something that many of our clients are asking for this year. They are looking to use the HubSpot tasks to control Workflows and having the ability to set additional properties to define effort or time tracked would help extensively when attempting to build our comprehensive reporting for SDR's and AM's to verify that SLAs and KPIs are being met. It would also be nice to nest tasks, This feature already exists in the projects section of HubSpot, and merging these tools would make both of them more valuable.
HubSpot has added the SLAs for Tickets, but many times, Tickets may have many sub-tasks to complete them and clients end up implementing a tool like Click-up or PSO hub resulting in slower adoption of the HubSpot platform as the teams are learning multiple systems or attempting to redefine/develop multiple processes to make the systems function and they still don't end up functions in an efficient manner. We are not suggesting that HubSpot develop the Tasks functionality to replace Click-up or PSO hub but it would be great to replace Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any other simple task management tool. This way client/prospect activity can be found in one centralized location.
I just started using HubSpot this week and noticed Tasks do not even have a Task Status field (Open/Not Started, In Progress, On Hold, Cancelled, Waiting on Customer, Completed, etc.) - having the ability to do custom properties would solve this - a much needed feature.
A related idea (and perhaps I just don't see it)...
Can @hubspot Product Management at least acknowledge that they reviewed this idea within the last 3 years? No need to commit to delivering this feature but, it would provide reassurance that our Comments are not wastes of time.