A good alternative (for my specific use case) would be custom deal objects.
They could work identically to deals but would have the ability to be associated with other deal objects and avoid overloading the deals object with properties for all the different deal use cases.
I imagine this would be an easier buildout than attempting to replicate deal-like functionality in custom objects.
This is really important for us. We need to be able to track courses/CPD bookings through a pipeline e.g. Cold Lead > Contacted > Consideration > Booked > Delivered
It was the sole reason we upgraded to Sales Hub Enterprise, really hope to see this soon!
@JeffBantz As of right now I don't have a concrete update, but this is indeed something our team is hard at work on. I'll be sure to update this issue as we have more clarity around timing
Hi, we just signed up for sales enterprise today specifically to gain access to custom objects. Admittedly we failed to ask if you could use custom objects in a pipeline view. This is a must for us and I can't up vote this enough! We will be using custom objects to breakout package deals into "jobs" for our operations team and need a pipeline view to track progress of a job through production the same way we track a deal through the sales process. Great to hear that this is being worked on but definitely want to stress that this is a crucial function for us!