HubSpot Ideas


Custom fonts in Drag and Drop emails

When creating Drag and Drop emails, you can currently only choose between a selected few fonts. While custom fonts is possible in email templates, it is not currently possible in Drag and Drop emails.


As fonts are an important part of a brand and embedded fonts are gaining wide support in email clients, it would be very nice to have full control over fonts in drag and drop emails.


Simply put,  If we can have Lato, why can't we have other popular fonts, such as Open Sans. Indeed, why can't we simply have any we'd like?

HubSpot Updates
Not Currently Planned
May 12, 2020 12:15 PM

Hi @ro, thank you for the idea and for all the feedback. We are hoping to review this, but this is not planned for development in the next quarter. For transparency and clarity, I am updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. I will update here once we have plans in place.





31 Replies

It's ridiculous that any user should be looking at a hack to get a wider choice of fonts (and use custom ones) - surely it's not that difficult to implement ?


Adding my vote here to add this feature without needing to use a hack.


As a 1 person marketer at a start up (without a web development background) I feel as though uploading a custom font from Google should be an easily accomplish task. Hubspot makes my life easier in many ways and allows me to creat LPs fairly intuitively, but not being able to keep LPs in accordance to our brand guidelines is unfortunate. 


Hey @kbbpatidar thanks for the hack you shared above. I just tried it and it doesn't seem to be working on my end. Am I right that:

- I added an "html-email" content module at the start/top of my email

- I copy pasted the code you shared then edited with my own font family, URL etc as necessary

- Saved the draft


Please let me know if I missed a step or did something wrong? 


Yes, totally agree. Is there any way to add styling details to the <head> of Drag & Drop emails? Having a wider array of fonts is crucial for so many clients. I could use Montserrat, Open Sans and Roboto most...but Lato, Nunito and Poppins are also widely used by our clients and we have no way to give them D&D templates using their brand fonts, so it creates some disconnect between their branded materials. I can do this on Mailchimp and Klaviyo but still have not figured out how. to do it on Hubspot. Thanks for any insight into this!


I agree that this is a very important feature. Custom font use in email marketing is only going to grow.


It was a huge bummer discovering this didn't exist.  We switched from Klayvio and now I miss the user-friendliness of Klayvio.


Hi, I discovered that there is a way to use custom fonts, but you need to add custom CSS in the marketing/files and templates/design tools section. There you can create a custom template with reusable modules and add your custom font link in the css/reset.css doc. It's not intuitive and took some work to figure out, but it is possible. Hope this helps. 😉


The ability to upload company fonts that match that are brand aligned is of top importance and I am surprised this isn't already available without coding. Whilst it can be done with coding not all marketers have the technical knowledge. 


It is fairly disappointing that 5 years later this is still not yet resolved, as fonts are a big part of company branding. Really hope this basic functionality can e prioritised in the future. So far this is the primary blocker I have experienced whilst using HubSpot.

Totally agree. Given the importance of brand alignment across comms
channels, it's of top priority that users should easily be able to upload
company brand fonts without specialist knowledge of coding.