HubSpot Ideas


Custom email header attributes

I spoke with a customer today who would like to see the ability to insert custom attributes/parameters into the header data of their marketing emails. For instance, they could have an outside group add x-custom-attribute to their emails and the customer would be able to filter for emails that have that attribute, blocking others. Seems like a cool idea to me!

3 Replies

I would like to have this feature as well - to be able to specify BIMI headers.


This could be particularly useful for accounting for types of emails sent to users, for example via Mailgun, which allows for custom headers to be set on emails using the X-Mailgun-Variables header.



Another usecase: 

We are force-adding a signature to our outgoing mail, but HubSpot also adds the GDPR compliant unsubscribe text, which then happens to be above the force added signature.

A custom header would allow us to detect the mail comes from HubSpot and process it in a different way, which is pretty well hidden in the headers. We cannot just exclude certain users as the users use HubSpot and Outlook in parallel.