HubSpot Ideas


Custom Social Reports

It would be great to be able to create custom social reports, or customize the reports on the social page.


Example: See month to month progression and break out by platform

44 Replies

Yes, it would be also great to be able to combine all the engagements in one report to have the overall engagement total per platform (interactions + clicks+ shares)


^^ agreed! That would be so nice, I didn't even think about how beneficial that could be! Thanks for brining that up!




Strongly agreed - being able to track performance month on month across different channels would be hugely helpful. 


At the moment, to track audience growth, I have to create a snapshot of the audience report for the month preceding and add it to a dashboard. Being able to show audience growth by channel as a line chart over time would be far more useful. 

Member | Elite Partner

This is a long-overdue need, gives very limited opportunity to move off more robust social schedulers and use HubSpot Social exclusively.

Participant | Platinum Partner

Totally agree. Would love to see more flexibility in reporting social activity.


Agreed! I had a conversation with a colleague earlier - we'd love to see more detailed metrics on interactions with posts in terms of where geographically the engagements came from etc. We'd then be able to learn from and tailor subsequent posts for campaigns.

Member | Platinum Partner

Strongly agreed! It would be helpful to be able to do month on month progression in one report.


+1 on this topic, current social reports are not flexible enough. It would be great to be able to personnalize them : compare results between campaigns on the same chart for example.


I can't believe that this isn't available in the HubSpot platform yet. We are managing our organic social media using HubSpot, and the data is available there on the Analyze tab in Social Media, but we can't access that data at all in the Custom Report builder? And, there is very limited customization on the views that you can edit in the Analyze section. Super disappointing...


I'm shocked this isn't already available? I have over 20 social media channels and it won't let me look at the channels for one brand and save them to a dashboard, the only ones I can save are the ones I haven't applied a filter to which is absurd, that information doesn't tell me how my channels are performing so I have to filter each time I want to see the report? Really disappointing - the functionality is there to see the data so why on earth can't we save the filtered graphs and tables to a dashboard?!


I second this. This would be a game changer for us social media managers. Waiting on them to add this feature hopefully soon. 


What an amazing idea that would help so many!!

It would be interesting to the performance of each social post to see what kind of posts work best and when so that we can share better content and overall improve our social media strategy.

Totally agree. We have a number of social accounts for our different brands and it would be great to be able report on each social account or report on a group of social accounts. For example report for Brand A on twitter and LinkedIn.


In addition to individual KPI tracking, it would be beneficial to consolidate engagement data from all team members into a single report. This would provide a comprehensive overview of overall engagement per platform and identify the team members generating the most leads and engagement. This information would be invaluable for optimizing content strategies and maximizing the impact of our social media presence.

Key Advisor

++ Being able to create or modify these reports as well and use them on dashboards would be perfect!


Jumping between differet analytics tools inside HubSpot, be it social, marketing email, forms etc. is not ideal when you want to present key information to colleagues or externals. The ability to create custom reports based on all these sources of data in HubSpot to provide key highlights in a single dashbboard would be an amazing addition. I don't want people to have to hop around our portal to get a clear picture of what is going on in a long running campaign for example.


++ flexibility of the social reports is needed, being able to clone and customise these reports, add brand colours and combining social data is key.


A great idea so all reporting for all marketing channels are in hubspot and give more granular detail for stakeholders


We absolutely need to be able to see things like audience and number of posts as a line graph over time. I feel that's possible with other social schedulers/trackers and I'm not clear on why it's not a given for Hubspot.