Custom Object Personalization Tokens in Sequence Templates
It would be really great to have personalization tokens available from custom objects within the template creator. We use these templates for sales sequences and would like to be able to customize emails with properties from our custom objects. In our case, we have contacts associated to buildings (our custom object) and would find it useful to be able to reference the address or name of one of their buildings in an email.
Please let me know if you need any more details on the use case!
Agree this should be out of the box functionality...not a request/wish. We also need the personalization tokens available within marketing emails as well as templates.
This is a much needed function! And hard to imagine that the effort required to enable is significant...?
Our use case: we have a custom object called "Projects" for following up on post-sales Onboarding process. In this process there are a lot of interactions (emails) with the customer, and it is very desired to be able to use custom object personalization tokens for email templates and snippits.
Absolutely necessary. Not sure why we can use personalization tokens from custom objects in other parts of the platform (e.g. marketing emails) but not here. Would love this as an update!
I don't understand why this functionality doesn't exist. There are infinte uses for custom objects, and obviously they contain data that is important and needed to our use cases, so why limit the capabilities? We can only insert them into automated emails and *only* if you an enterprise account. I need to create an email template that shares a contact's user login info for our app, the login info is stored in a custom object. Now if someone needs their login info I have to manually copy and paste it or I have to manually enroll them in a workflow??? that seems so ridiculous.
Agreed!! We would love to have custom object personalization tokens in snippets, as well as templates. It is surprising that it does not exist since they are available in workflows! Our custom objects are just as essential to our business as deals, tickets, etc.
At Enterprise level prices: isn't the whole idea of premium, custom objects, to integrate seamlessly into Hubspot? Doesn't seem like "copy your custom object data to the contact record with a workflow then create your template" is seamless. How about moving some of those premium $$ to get this thing working "seamlessly" and not wrapped up in bubble gum and bailing wire.
I have a client who's considering purchasing Sales Enterprise. Our assumption was that since custom objects are included in Enterprise AND Sequences are included, you'd be able to use custom objects in Sales Sequence emails.
Is there a Product Manager who can advise if a beta is available for this please?