I'd like to be able to create custom meeting outcomes. We have clients who want to track events, attendance, and other event-related information, but do not want to integrate with a third-party event tool. HubSpot provides almost everything we would want to do, but we are limited by the out of the box meeting outcomes.
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Hello @glencornell could you tell us when the beta version and its limitations will end ? Especially the fact we cant't filter or create worflows and thefact we cannot edit outcomesCanceled,ScheduledandRescheduled .
Coming with a few update, release plans, and future plans for this functionality!
New meeting outcomes are now available in Reports, Lists, and Workflow filters for all customers with access.
It will not be possible to edit or remove any of the existing outcome fields. We found that due to some of the automation built into Meetings that making changes to the fields could cause unforeseen issues and bugs. In order to roll this feature out more broadly, we've decided in the interim to prevent the editing or deleting of any existing fields. Folks will be able to add new fields to the Meeting outcome, just not edit or remove the existing ones.
Release plans
Starting today we are beginning to release this feature out broadly as a public beta. Currently 15% of HubSpot portals now have access to the functionality as described below
Future plans for meeting outcomes
We are currently evaluating all of the 'default' and 'baked in' automation functionality in Meetings and exploring ways to better expose this for our customers, to allow you to have more control over and of the settings, timing and content of automation that happens within the meeting-booking process. This includes meeting outcomes, reminder and confirmation emails, and additional types of triggers. Once complete, this would allow folks to customize the functionality that is currently a defalt for meeting outcomes, such as the fact that when a Meeting is Scheduled, Canceled or Rescheduled the outcome automatically updates. This work is still in an exploratory phase, and we will update the ideas forum posts once we have more confidence about the process and priority of this work.
In your HubSpot account, click thesettings iconsettings in the main navigation bar.
In the left sidebar menu, navigate toObjects>Activities.
On theCallingtab, next to theTrack meeting outcomessetting, clickEdit options.
In the right panel, clickAdd another outcome.
Enter theoutcomein the text field, then clickSavein the bottom left. Meeting outcomes can be a maximum of 50 characters.
After saving the call outcome, it will be available from the Select a meeting outcome dropdown menu.
It is not currenrly possible to delete or edit an outcome. We will include this functionality in the future along with the release of the ability to customize all automation settings in Meetings.
@CHiggins - just wanted to chime in here to let you know that we needed to change the functionality for now to prevent outcomes from being edited or deleted, and currently only new ones can be added.
I'm sorry about the inconvenience and hassle that provides for folks looking to remove the existing fields - but as explained in the update above, we're planning to allow these outcomes to be edited and deleted once we've also exposed and given access to the ability to customize the existing automation.
Hey there, for our company its also very important to customize the meeting outcome fully - we need to be able to delete the defaults. New outcomes are problematic when the term is not easy to distinct from a default option. This might be too easy to confuse. Currently i use a prefix so our staff can distinct our outcomes
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