Right now, the products feature only supports 1) the product name, 2) the product quantity, 3) the product cost, and 4) recurring or fixed price.
It would be incredible if I could associate custom fields with products. In my world, I need to be able to add things like Unit of Measurement (which, could be a drop-down feature).
This would make product reporting amazing for my company.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Hi all - we are happy to say we've just released this feature to all hubs with Products. You may now edit/create product properties from Settings > Properties.
Hi everyone - thanks to those who have tested this and provided feedback! We are aiming to roll this out to all users within the next month, please stay tuned!
Hi everyone! We are now accepting a handful of beta testers for the initial release of custom Product Properties. Our initial beta is suitable for companies looking to create properties for products and line items, and use/see them within reporting.
If you are interested in being part of this beta, and willing to provide some feedback after checking it out, please direct message me with your hub ID and info on your use case fort his feature, and I'll follow up with next steps.
Hi all! We are currently in the process of developing this functionality. We recognize the value here and are excited to roll this out. We will share additional updates as we are able.
Do you know when you're hoping to have the BETA available?
This feature is essential for one of my clients and would have a massive impact on their efficiency. So obviously they're keen to get this rolled out asap.
@dnelsonI see custom product fields only in export files. I can’t add custom fields to the sidebar of the product view (details) using the API or in the settings of my account, right?
really hoping for improvements in this category now, specially in how the products are stored in the library. we have 1000s of products and its ahrd to mass delete or organize properly. we also would like to be able to search for prodcuts in deals, quotes etc by model # or prodcut name.
@dnelson that's great news, but to be fair, @HubSpot has been saying something similar for months if not years. SO forgive me if I am slightly sceptical - please sign me up to be beta tester because we are thinking of swapping out for another platform as we were promised this function when we signed up 2 yers ago
Hey everyone, if you could please do me a favor and upvote this idea Print mailing labels from hubspot contacts/companies I would really appreciate it, and maybe you too would benefit from a feature like this! thanks.
Hi @dnelson. it's very unclear what's the difference between Custom Fields discussed here and the CRM Object API, where product properties could also be added. Could you clarify?
We too are very much in favor of this added functionality. As it is, the products tool is OK but not equipment sufficiently for us to really use in our daily sales activities. With custom properties we are able to add a lot more relevant data and formally roll out the tool internally.
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