HubSpot Ideas


Custom Email Reporting in Reports and Dashboards

Are the email data statistics available in custom reports and dashboards? If so, I cannot find them. It would be nice to build reports with basic email stats (Opens, CTR, Bounces, etc.) that are tied to groups of emails, perhaps a folder of emails or emails coming from a certain email address. 


Use example - we use the marketing hub to support multiple sales teams that are split by region. These emails are split by folder. It would be nice to be able to build dashboards for each region using just the folder of emails for his or her region or emails coming from his or her email address. 


The report library includes the "email totals by sent, opened, and clicked" report, but it is not customizable. The fact that this is static and not adjustable is frustrating. It could be super powerful. 

ステータスに更新: Delivered
October 17, 2023 02:29 PM

Thank you all for your continued feedback and investment in this idea. I'm pleased to share that Marketing email analytics is a new data source in the custom report builder, which grants you access to key email performance metrics, such as open rate and click-through-rate, alongside the full power of CRM reporting. With this data source, you are able to tie marketing email successes and failures directly to your CRM data, breaking down your analysis in countless different ways. You can create reports that will tell you things like the best hour of the day or day of the week emails get the most opens, or you can build reports that showcase which content is seeing the highest or lowest click-through rates. You'll no longer have to patch these insights together through countless exports, custom joins, or calculations in outside systems—you can now achieve this right inside HubSpot within a few clicks.


If you're looking to learn more about how to get started and use Marketing email analytics to the fullest, I recommend checking out this section of our Knowledge Base article about analyzing marketing email performance. Thank you all again for your thoughtful feedback!


Definitely upvoted.


For me, it's frustrating that there are several places to get this information (Emails > Analyze, Campaigns, Workflows) and they are all slightly different.


Having the ability to put them all into reports and dashboards that are customisable would solve this and doesn't seem like too much to ask for in my opinion.


It's insane to me how cumbersome this reporting is. Is there any update from HubSpot on this? 


We need this badly; our customer success team can't follow up on anything;

on top of not seeing the email, since Hubspot allows us to cc these emails,

we can not see a dashboard or report about the three emails they need to follow up on. 


My only workaround is to put my team emails by folders then customize the "view" then add the link to the folder to the dashboard as a text, which drives everyone mad. 


Reports on email campaigns should be a standard feature. 

Screenshot 2022-07-29 145203.png


I echo the same very much needed! It would be good to have more flexibility to report email performance for the list of emails.



HubSpot Employee

Agree on this, Marketing email is a powerful tool and having better reporting features for it will greatly help. One use case I came across would be reporting on sent marketing emails day-on-day. 


Since the performance tab already shows views and clicks, it would be useful to show "number of sent emails" as well.


Come on HubSpot! We need this! 



Desperately needed indeed! 


Thanks for posting your idea. This function will definitely be very much appreciated from all marketing and sales users in HubSpot.


Definitely agree with this! The data is there and it would be great if I could add in even basic data per email to a dashboard rather than having to go into each email to pull it. I don't understand how I can export the charts in a pdf but can't add them to a dashboard.


I was just searching to see if anything on this has changed... i.e. Detailed email reporting at the group or campaign level. We need this desperately. Very disappointed to see this thread started almost three years ago and this type of reporting is not available. Please advise if there are any work arounds with some of the new reporting features. 


Also... thanks to all the users that have shared their workarounds. If any of you have other ideas please share, as this has been very helpful looking at the various solutions in this thread. Thanks.


Agreed - there are a few reports in the marketing email "Analyze" tab that would be ideal. Seeing as how Hubspot already created them, it is odd there is no save report button for them.


As a new client who switched to Hubspot primarily for email, disappointing to see that email reporting is not more robust and intuitive. 


Absolutely crazy that this doesn't exist yet. The Analyze Marketing Email tools are horribly inflexible, it's taken me most of the day to compare emails and collate the stats I need for our monthly review. All the data is there, and yet there's no way to choose what you want to see in reports.


Out-of-the-box report filters for specific contact lists would also be extremely helpful. For example, the number of contacts in target accounts who clicked emails in Campaign X last month. 


This is VERY MUCH needed. Please add, our reporting relies on it


We desperately need this feature! We purchased Enterprise with the expectation the email reporting and dashboards were more robust and would allow for better customization. Starting to regret our decision to move to HS.

ステータスに更新: Delivered

Thank you all for your continued feedback and investment in this idea. I'm pleased to share that Marketing email analytics is a new data source in the custom report builder, which grants you access to key email performance metrics, such as open rate and click-through-rate, alongside the full power of CRM reporting. With this data source, you are able to tie marketing email successes and failures directly to your CRM data, breaking down your analysis in countless different ways. You can create reports that will tell you things like the best hour of the day or day of the week emails get the most opens, or you can build reports that showcase which content is seeing the highest or lowest click-through rates. You'll no longer have to patch these insights together through countless exports, custom joins, or calculations in outside systems—you can now achieve this right inside HubSpot within a few clicks.


If you're looking to learn more about how to get started and use Marketing email analytics to the fullest, I recommend checking out this section of our Knowledge Base article about analyzing marketing email performance. Thank you all again for your thoughtful feedback!