There needs to be an option for credit card payment fees to be passed onto the customer. We would like to offer credit card payments as a option but want to be able to notify the customer that if they use a cc then there is a fee attached. And the fee needs to be automated as part of the payment.
Hi all - Joe here from the HubSpot product team again, it's been some time since I've shared an update here. I want to thank you all for continuing to share feedback and vote up this idea, as well as your patience. I'm happy to share that we have planned this capability as part of our 2025 roadmap. While I can't share explicit timing just yet, please know that we are aiming to build a flexible fee solution that should address the various needs that have been raised in this idea. Please continue to share your use cases and adding votes!
Hello all - Joe here from HubSpot product team. I wanted to provide an update and thank you for your continued feedback on this idea.
I want to be transparent that this capability has not been prioritized for the team this year. We're working hard to bring core billing capabilities to Commerce Hub such as the ability to store a payment method for future charges and automated sales tax. I will update this idea if we are able to prioritize this sooner, but until then please continue to upvote this idea so we can ensure this gets a slot on our future roadmap!
@TGordon05 I can definitely understand why you've suggested that workaround, that's creative! I'll pass this feedback along to our team that manges Products and Discount Codes; however, I can say that right now that isn't on the roadmap. I'm hopeful that we'll have more news to share on this front in the new year, so stay tuned.
Hi all - Joe here from the HubSpot product team. I wanted to share a quick update on this topic but first wanted to mention that I tried to find similar ideas and merged them into this Idea which had the most activity.
As of Q4 2023, we are actively reviewing this idea. Currently it is not on the roadmap with an explicit timline that I can share but I will return to this thread to post updates about progress. Please follow this thread and upvote if you're interested in this capability! Thanks.
This is vital for us as a nonprofit that produces tons of events! We would happily move our ticketing system into HubSpot, and the only thing holding us back is this issue.
Much needed feature. We stand to lose thousands in payment fees as our business is rapidly growing. We made the decision to charge 3.5% fee for credit card payments. I was shocked to login and discover I'm unable to make this change in Hubspot.
Switched to HS Payments a few days ago, and our Jaws dropped when we noticed there isn't this feature... It doesn't say anywhere that that is not an option.
It's a standard feature; we shouldn't even need this thread. Common Hubspot, this is a truly basic feature you shouldn't be heading a whole Dev team for.
Charging us more, while decreasing Customer Service, and not prioritizing basic features....
I would add the option to alter the fee according to the payment method being used. Credit card might be one fee and ACH is another fee that would adjust according to the method of payment the customer selects.
This is 10000000% necessary. We run large transactions and a lot of people put them on their CC. Running 20-100k trasnactions and taking 2.9% off the bottom line is just not something that is sustainable for us. I see why hubspot hasnt prioertized this because they get their $$ either way but its hurting every customer that uses this feature (escpeically those non-profits that have commented on this thread). Im sure for their dev team it would take all of 20 mins to add this feature to checkout since they have caluations features all over the quote process. PLEASE! WE NEED IT!
Hi all - Joe here from the HubSpot product team again, it's been some time since I've shared an update here. I want to thank you all for continuing to share feedback and vote up this idea, as well as your patience. I'm happy to share that we have planned this capability as part of our 2025 roadmap. While I can't share explicit timing just yet, please know that we are aiming to build a flexible fee solution that should address the various needs that have been raised in this idea. Please continue to share your use cases and adding votes!
+1 This is something we need implimented ASAP. As a busniess our invoices average around $4,000 and we need to be able to pass on the surcharge if the customer wishes to use their credit card.
Yes, please. We are in a similar place. Our average tickets are in a high bracket, so we need to be able to pass these fees onto our customers. Thank you! BP