HubSpot Ideas


Credit card payment fees

There needs to be an option for credit card payment fees to be passed onto the customer.  We would like to offer credit card payments as a option but want to be able to notify the customer that if they use a cc then there is a fee attached.  And the fee needs to be automated as part of the payment.  

52 Commentaires
Membre | Partenaire solutions Platinum

On HubSpot payments, it would be beneficial for non-profits if there was an option to check for the payer to cover the credit card charges. This saves non profits thousands in transaction fees.


I think this would be a really helpful feature for people like us that sell wholesale and use payments.


Allow Sales > Payments: to have a "preffered Payment Method" and/or add the CC fees to the customer instead of vendor.


Functionality example:

  • I send a payment link to client and they come to my hubspot payments page to check out.
  • The price is $500.  They have payment options ACH or CC.
  • They choose my "Preffered payment Method" which is ACH and pay $500
  • They can choose the "Pay by Credit Card" (alternative payment method) carrot.
  • There is a statement we could write, for example: "we are a charity and every little bit helps, please pay ACH. If you would rather do Credit Card 3% is added..."
  • The Choose non-preffered payment method, Credit Card and pay $515

In either case, we collect the expected $500, passing cc fees to customer if they still want to do this.


I totally agree with this! We need this feature!


Currently, it is not possible to charge customers a processing fee when they use credit cards to pay. So that means we loose 2.9% in fees from HubSpot every time a person pays with a credit card. It would be ideal to be able to card an processing fee to the customer so we can recoup the cost of the fee.


We would love to have this feature.


We have orders as high as $50,000 that people sometimes pay with credit cards. This is a huge hit to our bottom line if we aren't able to recover these fees. Ideally we would be able to give them a choice to either pay with credit card and get the fee, or pay with ACH and not get the fee.


It would be AMAZING if there was a way to toggle on the option to pass on processing fees to the customer - this would be a game changer for small businesses. 


I've been wanting this option for a while. A few of my clients deal with large transaction amounts for the service they provide... so the customer would like to use a Credit Card rather than ACH in order to take advantage of the CC points game and have no problem paying the fee.


But figureing out an updated transaction total that includes the fee each time becomes tedious. Instead, the ability to turn on or off an option in the payments admin to pass on the transaction fee to the customer would be a huge timesaver. I know other services like Melio Payments has this option but adding in another 3rd party service isn't ideal.

Statut mis à jour : Being Reviewed
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi all - Joe here from the HubSpot product team. I wanted to share a quick update on this topic but first wanted to mention that I tried to find similar ideas and merged them into this Idea which had the most activity. 


As of Q4 2023, we are actively reviewing this idea. Currently it is not on the roadmap with an explicit timline that I can share but I will return to this thread to post updates about progress. Please follow this thread and upvote if you're interested in this capability! Thanks.


@jperro This is great to hear! As a nonprofit, offering to pass that processing fee onto donors is very important.


@jperro ,


As an interim solution, woud it be possible to add a "conditional" Discount Code, where the discount is only applied if the customer selects ACH as the payment type? 

The customer would still need to enter the discount code on the payment link page, but it would allow us to extend a discount to any customer that chooses to pay with ACH (and help us avoid the CC processing fees).

This would give some of us another approach to our product pricing strategy, and it seems fairly easy to implement on the Hubspot development side.



Équipe de développement de HubSpot

@TGordon05 I can definitely understand why you've suggested that workaround, that's creative! I'll pass this feedback along to our team that manges Products and Discount Codes; however, I can say that right now that isn't on the roadmap. I'm hopeful that we'll have more news to share on this front in the new year, so stay tuned.


@jperro Tell your team that your company is leaving a lot of revenue on the table by not getting this done. Our orders can be upwards of $50k and a surprising number of them are paid by credit card. We CANNOT lose that 3% on those transactions, so we use another tool that allows us to add it. The ability to add payment links to deals in Hubspot is very attractive, but not worth shaving 3 points off our margin.


This is a great feature request. we definitely need this.


+100, this will be really useful.


We are starting to use HubSpot payment links and would like to charge a payment processing fee if someone chooses to pay via credit card intead of ACH. I don't see this as an option in payment link setup or settings. I know how to add a line item for the payment processing fee but again this adds to the total due and increases the actual processing fee and cannot be made dependent on paymen type. 


Hope there is a solution out there or one that is being worked on for us. Thanks! 


+1 This feature would be great for us and would allow us to start using the Stripe payment links.

Participant | Partenaire solutions Elite

Much needed. Looking forward to the feature.


Make this happen please! This is the only thing stopping us from using payment links.


Agreed. We are a non-profit, and the only thing that keeps us from moving 100% off of Donorbox is the ability to ask our donors to cover the transaction fees (which most do happily).