In need for the ability to select "create task to follow up in X days" directly in the Conversation Inbox. Currently, this feature is only available in the Contact page and therefore is quite inconvenient for teams who handle customer conversations in the Inbox and need to set up a reminder to follow up.
It's a pain to have to exit the inbox for anything.
That is literally why you have the side panels, so you can update information about whom you are talking to as you are in the conversation, for this to include the ability to remind yourself to follow up with them is a no-brainer.
Over a year since it was suggested, and it's still not been implemented.
There are 58 upvotes as of this writing, but I know there are several more who needs this feature and who would upvote this have they known of this suggestion.
Message to HubSpot employees who review these posts: Please escalate this request to the higher-ups because this is a basic feature that would be of massive help to users. Thanks!
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