Creating new Property Fields: elect to order the Options alphabetically
Submitting on a Customers Behalf:
The contact owner field option order is not editable. the options are sorted by the default internal value. This causes a huge paint point if your ID happends to be in towards the bottom of the list. any time you assign an contact to yourself you find yourself scrolling through every option.
Having the option to edit the order of the names/property options or HubSpot adding a "recently selected" or "recently used" to the top of the field would save users a great deal of time and make the experience of using the product that much more enjoyable.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
While this is only a nuisance to me personally, it's a big deal my team - especially the sales team. I've had half a dozen requests that I update it. And when I say it's not possible I get an earful about switching to Salesforce (which I definitely don't want to do).
What if the active user's name always appeared at the top of the list - similar to how filters work where it says "Me" at the top of the drop down.
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