HubSpot Ideas


Creating a form submission report/dashboard

I'm looking to create either an automated report that could be sent out monthly or a dashboard that will show us the people who filled out forms to download some of our gated content in the last month (or other period of time). Right now I can only find this information through the form submissions main section but I don't know if I'm just not looking in the right place to create this report or dashboard. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

83 Kommentare

Hi, keen to know HS when this will be actioned. Insight of a forms conversion performance is essential in a CRO strategy and one we need to see to fully optimise, this is also not visible via A/B testing either. 


Hey @LizaW


We were also facing similar kind of issues since we started using HS. Without, tracking the performance of the forms, we were not able to communicate a clear picture to our clients. 


Sometime back we came across this tool, called Sprinkle which integrates beautifully with HS and other CRM systems that our clients are using. Now we are able to build customised reports which HS doesn't even provide.


Hope this helps.





Upvoting this idea - we need this information for CRO optimisation

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

Really interested to hear updates on this - surfacing more granular form data would be great.


Seeing a lot of traction in this query, I have upvoted this idea. Since HS is taking way too long to have this implemented, our company has now started looking at alternative options. 


As mentioned by @Sam_Williams ,I would have a look at Sprinkle and provide my inputs next week for the benefit of everyone.




Hi @Sam_Williams  thanks for the note on Sprinkle will take a look. Be great to hear how you and @Alex_Simon  get on. 


Hello @LizaW ,


As mentioned by @Sam_Williams I had a quick session with the Sprinkle team earlier this week. They have indeed a good product that integrates with HS. I was able to generate reports as per my business requirements using their platform. Currently we are in the process of signing up for the Free trial.


Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hi everyone,


Thank you for the time you all have taken to submit, vote and comment on this Idea. I'm very pleased to announce that this feature has been Delivered and is available to all Marketing Hub Enterprise & Professional customers.


To analyze from performance, select Reports > Analytics Tools > Forms. There you will be able to compare your forms' performance against each other, as well as drill-down into each form individually.


Ideas Forum Manager



Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner

@JoeMayall the solution allows you to 'compare your forms' performance against each other' 

How do we automate sending that report? Which I believe was the original request.


You could connect to the data using CData's Power BI connector



This needs a tweak. It needs to be able to dynamically pull in new forms. Instead of having a form name "="
 there could be a "contains" filter or, better yet, forms could have some other field identifiers such as product, company, etc. and the filter could then bring in all forms related to a specific filter (product, company) based off the form.


"To analyze from performance, select Reports > Analytics Tools > Forms. There you will be able to compare your forms' performance against each other, as well as drill-down into each form individually."


And yet there's no way to get a concise list of intake forms and their totals for CRM to look at on a constantly updating report that any user can use a timeframe slider on in a meeting. Sorry, this solution that only came about after three years of entreaties was not well implemented and is rather clunky. 


We're migrating to Salesforce Pardot. 

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner


i want to create a report based on the submissions of a form. Its a bit frustrating that i can only use date properties that have no use. What i basically want to see is the number of form submissions by day. for a month on a report. Any ideas how to achieve that?

Teilnehmer/-in | Partner

Its crazy to me that i can not just create a table overview of submissions per form on a dashboard.

It is there in the form analytics but when i export to dashboard it only the graph that is available. Wowza. This seems like such basis functionality?


Great idea! We need this, I've just upvoted it!🙂 If Hubspot could simply add a "form submission date" filter option to their report builder, that could solve the issue I think.


This would be so helpful especially when downloading assets - that way we can measure performance of Form downloads against the forms themselves on pages - really surprised that HubSpot have not done this sooner to be honest


I just want to produce a report where I can look at month on month comparison of form submissions for a specific region. Can't beleive the functionaility isn't there

Mitglied | Platinum Partner

YES PLEASE - additionally, the ability to filter out particular forms does not seem to exist. I am trying to represent form submissions over time in 3 reports - top-funnel form submissions, mid-funnel, and bottom funnel. I want this report to show submissions by month.


Even attempting to use Form Name as the filter (which is offered as one of the only filter options) doesn't yield any data for some reason. This should not require a huge lift since we already know we're capturing month-over-month form submissions on the form analytics page. 


Form submission needs to be a avaible in custom reports.


I'm looking for this feature as well. I'm trying to create a report that shows the number of form submissions, broken out by quarter. The information is there in HubSpot under the Submissions tab for the form. But there isn't a way to display it by quarter for the year or even add it to a dashboard / create a report for it. Also surprised you can't create reports in the custom report builder by form submission, but it's there under lists.