We would like our Reps to be able to create an invoice on-the-spot while in stores. They are able to use their phones for everything else, so it doesn't make sense for them to have to take their laptops to be able to access this feature through the HubSpot webapp.
I am not sure if this is the same problem, but Yes! I want to create a XERO invoice from within HubSpot. I was promised this when signing up with HubSpot a couiple of months ago and I am still onboarding. If it only works with some financial systems then that should have been made very clear. This changes everythign that we were planning for our service and operations teams out in the field.
I can sync the invoices and I can even trigger a workflow based on an invoice status, but I cannot create an invoice unless I use USD... I think that is particularly unfair to any HubSpot customers who are not in the US.