HubSpot Ideas


Created by User ID - Dynamic "Me'" Filter

For Task reports, the "Assigned To" filter has a dynamic "Me" filter that will display tasks dependent on the user viewing the report. However, the Me filter under "Created by User ID" is not dynamic. 


This affects my ability to create dashboads I can share with all users. I would need to create the report for each specific user I am sharing it with. It's helpful to have this filter as dynamic because our users are interested in seeing the tasks they've assigned to other users. 

3 Replies

This is also necessary for Conversation/Ticket views. The inbox is very unruly and being able to create views for all of my support reps that are applicable to them without having to create and manage 12 different views would be a lifesaver


having same issue ^


Having same issue, very frustrating. I can't create a dashboard and share it with my reps for any "created by" -centric object/activity. Please add the dynamic functionality for "created by" fields