HubSpot Ideas


Create custom themes/templates for Customer Portal [beta]

Will be good to have more appearance options to edit Customer Portal [beta]

and will be great to have option to create own theme/templates




According to this article we can create theme, but where is no way to apply new theme to customer portal

16 Replies

We really need the ability to customize the Main Navigation and Footer Navigation. Much appreciated!

Member | Elite Partner

Strange there is a customer-portal folder in the @hubspot directy that you can make a child version of.
But you are not able to select it in anyway.


It's nice to be able to customize basic aesthetics in the portal, but really struggling to roll out this feature to our clients. For a good user experience, our clients need the ability to filter based on a number of factors (type of request, who submitted the ticket, who owns the ticket, etc etc) along with customizing what fields do (and don't) show up on the individual ticket view. The current portal is a good start but not near robust enough for us to leverage with clients. Hoping we can apply a customized child theme early in 2023 so that we can make local customizations.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

I'm also adding a vote for this feature to be implemented. Creating and customizing a customer portal child theme is pointless if we cannot apply the theme to the Customer Portal pages. The lack of customization here leads some of our clients to consider leaving HubSpot.


We're in the same boat as @MStratton4 as well, where our clients want to customize the properties and data showing in the listing module table and on the individual ticket view. For example, replacing the "Last Activity" column with something more relevant to the client's customers is a major request we're seeing. My hope was that a child theme with a customized ticket listing module would be the solution but there is no way for us to move that module into production.

Participant | Diamond Partner

It's really not clear to me why creating and customizing a customer portal child theme is possible if I can't use it? This is something we really need. It's been more than a year since @AZapparov submitted idea. It's time to hear some news!


Agreed! We absolutely need to be able to do some customization as well to dramatically enhance customer experience. 

Contributor | Platinum Partner

Absolutly need to be able to customize the customer portal theam and functionality to meet customer journy requirements.

Key Advisor | Platinum Partner

I agree that the ability to create a child theme is pointless if we can't apply it to the customer portal...


Alternatively, we can build a custom customer portal with CMS hub in the meantime, but HubSpot should really go through with the application of the child theme.



Very much agree with the need for more customization! Also would love for the option to have several customer portals. 


The customer portal is in desperate need of more flexibility and customization. We really need multiple support forms in the portal to cover different request types. We need to be able customize the information displayed for the users. Even something as simple as switching from displaying a ticket number to showing our own custom reference number would be a life saver.


This idea would provide a solution to these and other issues, while shifting most of the development burden away from HubSpot. That it isn't currently an option is more than a little frustrating.

Top Contributor

Also calendar format is not really UX useful with calendar form properties (need to clic on year) for display all. 


Hey @AZapparov,

Have you heard of the Customer Service Portal? It allows you to customize your portal with different colors, titles, logos, you name it! There's a blog post that compares it with the native portal here.


I'd be happy to talk about it with you in more detail if you'd like!


-David Staat


J'aimerai beaucoup avoir la possibilité d'utiliser les thèmes installables par le marketplace pour customiser le portail client et la base de connaissances




Does anyone know if it is possible to rename choices in the list box included in customer portal ? Capture d'écran 2023-12-13 124954.png


Thanks 🙂


We would really like to see the ability to customize ticket properties in the table on the ticket list page as soon as possible.
If this cannot be achieved, when an "Organization Ticket" is selected, it will not be possible to determine whose ticket it is, which will be extremely inconvenient for the customer.
I strongly hope that this will be realized as soon as possible.


This is the same issue we are facing and we opted into the BETA. This should be fixed ASAP.