You should create a connector for use with Google's DataStudio Application. This would help us create a more robust report for our users and we can leverage the statistics that HubSpot provides. Currently, other services like Databox can connect to HubSpot to pull statistics from a portal to create dashboards. I think opening this up to DataStudio will really help marketers and agencies with providing all the data they need.
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I’m Collette, one of the product managers for HubSpot’s Strategic Integrations teams. After looking into Google Data Studio earlier this year, we decided not to go ahead with it right now. This is not to say that this idea will never be developed, just that there are no plans to do so at this time. Please check the apps in our marketplace that do integrate with Google Data Studio right now
Hi! We're considering a potential integration between HubSpot and Google Data Studio. Please fill out this form so we can learn more about what you'd like to see from this integration.
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback and use cases! Unfortunatley, there aren't any plans to add a native integration between HubSpot and Google Data Studio right now. We really appreciate the feedback and encourage you to keep sharing your use cases in case our roadmap changes.
Hi everyone, I’m Davis, the product manager for HubSpot’s attribuiton and marketing reporting tools. At this time there are no plans to develop this Idea. This is not to say that this idea will never be developed, just that there are no plans to do so at this time. Sincere regards,
It's mind boggling that you don't support an integration to Google Data Studio. I've also discovered that you have no integration for Bing Ads. How can you even remain in business??? Amateur.
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