HubSpot Ideas


Create Ticket from Link

Goal: Easy access to creating a ticket in Hubspot from an outside service/system.


Idea: We would like a way to tie other systems into HubSpot and create tickets from a link, so this would allow an HS user to create a link with URL parameters that could customize and pre-fill data in the ticket. A link could then be created that made a new ticket that was titled, linked to a contact record, etc. 



Who: Any licensed HubSpot user.



1 Reply

Slight variation this is idea: allow the link to -pre-populate- the ticket creation form so that the user can add more data/edit the pre-defined fields. This is very useful for integration with other applications.
For example, the user is browsing the knowledge base article and see a "this is not working for me, I need help" link, then we can pass "context" for where the user was so that they can easily get a ticket created, we can gather as much of the context as possible and offer a better user experience while avoiding  the first (and typical) back&forth between user and support personell "when you say X, do you mean Y?".