HubSpot Ideas


Country Code (phone number) in Hubspot as a property

In Hubspot I want to have reporting on leads per country. Therefore it would be good to have this information in the CRM. We are already asking for country information on our forms: Country code + Phone number.


The problem is that country code (when asked with the phone number isn't saved within the CRM).


So the only solution for this atm is creating workflows: When a country code has +32 for example --> update country to Belgium. (and this for each country that we support)


If we could cut this extra step it would be great.


So I am asking to save this as a separate property in Hubspot so we can do reporting on this.





2 Commentaires

I agree!

That would be very useful and handy for our sales teams on hubspot and it will improve the call system!


That would be great. Our sales team need this as well