Hey friends! So today I was trying to troubleshoot a countdown timer video that I included on a landing page. I made sure all the settings were set up properly so that it auto-plays the video, and the video controls are hidden for the user. The whole idea is to create pressure to incentivize the audience to fill out my landing form quickly. However, I realized that if at any point the user travels away to another tab and then comes back, the countdown timer video will pause and a play button will appear (which obviously negates the illusion I'm trying to create of increasing the pressure for them to submit the form). I spent a good amount of time troubleshooting this with Nick from HubSpot today and he and I tested a few different options to no avail.
I would really love to formally request that a module be added for HubSpot users for a countdown timer. It would be great if that were an integral module option in HubSpot to add to a landing page, hopefully to prevent the countdown timer from stopping/pausing if the audience travels away from the page.
We see countdown timers used online through various shopping outlets, whether you're placing an order for a discounted item on a website or getting those highly coveted Taylor Swift tickets, that countdown timer provides just the right amount of pressure to incentivize the audience to fill out the form. In my specific instance, I have a Facebook boosted post offering a free planning guide if they click on the link to my landing page. Then once they get to the landing page it has the countdown timer video I made (in Canva and then uploaded to HubSpot as an mp4 video file). And in the video I said they would get a 2nd guide free if they submit the form within 3 minutes. I know that this method works to get people to submit the form. I just wish the video play for my countdown timer weren't so wonky. 😅
I'm sure an integral countdown timer module in HubSpot would deliver the pressure I want to create more effectively, and all would benefit from having that option.
Hi everyone! My name is Rada and I'm a product manager at HubSpot working on our CTAs tool.
I'm loving the engagement and excitement on this idea, and I agree it would be a great feature. I'd like to chat with anyone interested in a countdown timer so I can learn more about your specific use case and the exact functionality you're looking for. If you'd be open to a short chat with me, please send me a DM.
On a related note, we are opening a private beta soon for a countdown timer that can be added to popup or embedded CTAs. The difference with this timer is that it displays a countdown to a specified date (e.g., "Black Friday", or a registration close date). If you'd like access, please submit this form: https://forms.gle/zA1LQg46tcosTBuE6
What a great idea! As a teacher, I would countdown for my students to motivate them to accomplish their task quickly. I feel like the same thing applies here.
I love this idea! This would be such a great addition and really push submissions! Really hoping this gets developed, I would LOVE to use this feature.
Great idea and would love to see this as well. We've used deadline funnel and emaildyno to create timers in the meantime - they have their limitations but we've made them work for what we need but would definitely love a solution native to HubSpot!
This is a great idea with a very specific use case, I'd suggest reaching out to a developer to have one custom created for you. A good starting point would be some of the providers that already have modules in the module marketplace.