I've created a custom source field for Contacts and mirrored it in Deals. The reason for this is because the Hubspot default options were too limiting and could not be edited. Now I want to map the fields so when a new deal is created from a Contact the source information is updated within the Deal. My ultimate goal is to map deals to sources.
Is this possible? If not, is there another way to approach this that will give me the same result?
Anna, I have setup Zaps to do just this, and it works fairly straightforward if it is not overly complex. Zap has limitations on what you can do with 'triggers', and if you have needs within those limits, you could probably do this yourself. If not you might be able to do it in Zapier with Python or Java coding skills like is shown above.
Most of us are still waiting for a Hubspot built solution in order to update a Deal property from a contact property in either a Deal workflow or a Contact workflow. For my purposes, the Deal property - Amount can be estimated when the Deal is created but needs to be updated based on the actual transaction amount. Zapier provides an easy solution to update a Contact Property with that information from our CC processor but the Zapier integration does not allow us to update a Deal property. Therefore, we need a workflow to copy that transaction amount into the deal at the time the deal is won, not when it is created. Is there a solution?
Yes @JasonMM. As @jmarovt pointed out above, Property Mapper will copy Deal Properties to Contact Properties (and vice versa) on an ongoing and continuous basis.
We've been running Property Mapper for a few weeks on both Enterprise and Sales Pro accounts and will publish what we've learned here within the next week or so. - see Property Mapper Integration
My Hubspot contacts have multiple deals. Once the deal is won, I would not want a change in a contact property to change the deal property. This is why I am uncertain if Property Mapper would work. Within a Hubspot workflow, I can constrain the actions to happen within deal closing timeframes or base the workflow on Deal amounts. A single contact can have many deals while my Zapier integration, which updates the contact properties with transaction amounts and transaction dates, is mapped to specific fields showing most recent data. Do you believe Property Mapper has a solution for this?
>>My Hubspot contacts have multiple deals. Once the deal is won, I would not want a change in a contact property to change the deal property. This is why I am uncertain if Property Mapper would work. Within a Hubspot workflow, I can constrain the actions to happen within deal closing timeframes or base the workflow on Deal amounts. A single contact can have many deals while my Zapier integration, which updates the contact properties with transaction amounts and transaction dates, is mapped to specific fields showing most recent data. Do you believe Property Mapper has a solution for this?
I know that Property Mapper will map the fields in either direction (your choice which), but the details of constraining how that works is more a question for their lead developer, @jmarovt. He's a great person to ask ... very responsive, and ... wait for it ...
11-13-2018 SOLUTION: This solution allows for contact properties to be copied to deal properties immediately as it is powered by webhooks and does not rely on Zapier's 5-15 minute polling window.
Use Hubspot Contact Workflows to control when contact properties are copied to deal properties by posting webhooks to Zapier and using the Hubspot CRM integration in Zapier. If you had not noticed, there are two Hubspot Zapier integrations and only the Hubspot CRM integration allows you to update a deal.
This process requires that deal names be unique. I decided to use the email address of the associated contact since it is always unique. You could also use an opportunity number or some other unique identifier when creating deal names to avoid errors. I also chose to change the name of the deal (and resolve the deal) using a Deal workflow to make sure that once a deal is won, it will no longer be updated.
1. When you create the deal, be sure to copy the Deal Name into a custom contact property. This copy process can be automated with a Deal workflow.
2. When you resolve the deal and no longer want the deal properties to be changed, change the name of the deal. This can also be automated with a Deal workflow.
3. In Zapier, create a Zap to catch a webhook.
4. Send the webhook from a Contact workflow in Hubspot.
5. Create the Zapier Action using Hubspot CRM and select Update Deal.
6. Select Add a Search Step under Deal and click OK. This will create a search step before you continue creating the Action.
7. In the search step, input the 'Deal Name' field from the drop-down. The drop-down has a source called Catch Hook that contains the data package sent from the contacts workflow webhook. The drop-down has a search field. Go ahead and search for the custom contact property used when you copied the name of the deal. Select that property.
8. Continue on with creating the Update Deal Action. You will notice that the required field 'Deal' has been filled with 'Use a Custom Value (advanced)' and the 'Custom Value for Deal Deal ID' has been populated automatically with your search step contact property selection. From here, you can map any of the optional deal properties to any of the contact properties. Doing so will copy those contact properties to the deal properties. Remember that the contact properties are in the Catch Hook source.
Please note: the data package from the webhook is a snapshot of the values for the contact properties at the time the webhook is sent. Any changes made to those contact properties after the webhook is sent will not be captured and will not update deal properties unless you automate the process to occur again.
The introduction of deal and company workflows allow a bit more customization around this. While you cannot directly copy a contact property to a deal property, you can copy a contact property to a company property through a contact based workflow, and then copy a company property to a deal property through a company workflow.
Is there a way to do this without using Zapier or some other third party app? It seems extremely basic that when you create a deal from a contact, that the source or any other contact property should copy to the deal...?
I have found a work around that might help you. I am using a Deal workflow to copy the contact owner and apply it to the deal. If your source options are predefined and there are not too many of them you could try this:
Create a deal workflow
Use a series of if/then branches: if Contact source field = x then set Deal source field to x
If Contact source field = y, then set Deal source field to be y
I get this to work becuse we have a very small sales team. And also we only have 1 Contact associated to a Deal. The downside is that every time a salesperson leaves / arrives we have to update the workflow.
Any update on this? This topic has been going for a while, and as it's possible to copy deal>contact now, it should be easy to turn it around and include contact>deal right?
I'm using the aforementioned Zapier solution now, but that shouldn't be needed...
I have a custom field Total Customer Revenue that comes from a Netsuite integration - that I would like to map to a Hubs revenue field in order to calculate influenced revenue of campaigns. Is this possible? Could you please make it possible?
@JasonMM Thank you for your solution, I tried it, but unfortunatelly it did not work for our company due to large amount of deals in our system, more than 10k.
Zapier replied to us "Unfortunately, this is an issue that has been reported by other users, and it is stemming from the number of Deals in a HubSpot account. Their API currently doesn't allow us to search deals with parameters to limit the number of deals returned, so the Timeout is caused by having to search through every deal in your HubSpot account."