HubSpot Ideas


Copy Product Information

Now that we're able to add custom fields/properties to products there is a need to be able to copy and/or associate that property to other HubSpot objects. 


For instance, I have color variants for a product but I can't get that to copy or associate to a custom object or deal record so I still have to include it as a deal/other object property.


Product properties only appear to work as a line item trigger. 

HubSpot Updates
August 30, 2022 11:01 AM

Hey folks - Ethan here, product manager for the Product Library. Apologies for the missed quarter of updates. I want to let you know that this feature is not on our roadmap for this quarter (Q3, 2022). We want to bring Products and Line Items even deeper into automation, but we need to prioritize other projects right now, including one to allow Line Item creation using Automation (during Deal Create).


As a sidenote, I'll be updating the top Ideas associated with Products and Line Items ~once per quarter going forward. I will include (1) whether or not a feature is on the roadmap for that quarter or not and (2) what our rollout plan for that feature is (e.g. will there be a beta or not). If you have feedback about additional information I could include in these updates, drop a note here. If I see a theme, I'll adjust my updates to address that.


I won't be doing this for every idea, but most ideas above 100 kudos will get this treatment. Previously, I had been trying to do it for ideas greater than 25 upvotes, but unfortunately the volume is too high to be practical.

April 06, 2022 09:00 AM

Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm the product manager for the Products and Line Items team. I just wanted to let you know that this feature is not on our roadmap for this quarter, but it is something we'd like to build. While it's not something we're working on this quarter, it's quite possible we will work on this this year. We're working on several other features (e.g. allowing you to add Line Items to Deals via Workflows, expanding the number of supported decimals in Product/Line Item properties) this quarter and we needed to make some hard decisions about what to prioritize.


As a sidenote, I'll be updating the top Ideas associated with Products and Line Items ~once per quarter going forward. I will include (1) whether or not a feature is on the roadmap for that quarter or not and (2) what our rollout plan for that feature is (e.g. will there be a beta or not). If you have feedback about additional information I could include in these updates, drop a note here. If I see a theme, I'll adjust my updates to address that.


I won't be doing this for every idea, but most ideas above 25 kudos will get this treatment. 

43 Replies

The functionality in Products/Line Items, or whatever HubSpot is calling it these days, is terrible. Minimal thought was given to Products/Line Items other than for online retail businesses. The suggested functionality is greatly needed, more than the suggestions in other posts of a convluded workflow using calculated fields to only be able to pull limited data from the Products/Line Items. It is very dissapointing that the suggested functionality was suggested pre-covid, with no movement from HubSpot.


payments from hubspot could also use the feature to edit line item properties in workflows / set values etc


We've needed this for several years and no joy.  Please push this dev idea through, Hubspot!