Conversations Inbox Emails To Use "Reply to Email Address" instead of "From Address"
[Posting on behalf of customer]
Hi Team,
It will be great that the "reply-to" email addresses are used to reply to instead of replying to the "from email" address. This is because a lot of email coming from service apps typically have different from addresses and reply-to addresses. Using the reply-to address is what the sender intended instead of replying to a generic email address e.g.
Currently, the Conversations Inbox takes the from address e.g. but the reply-to email address set in those emails are However, HubSpot only recognise the from address and one cannot reply the email directly to but one will have to reply to
It will be great if we can detect this and when one clicks on reply, it will reply to the intended recipient (e.g.
It's realy bad this is still happening in HubSpot!
This is a real basic feature that should have in there from the start.
When you send out forms you have to use the same (server/site) domain otherwise it will be seen as spam on 99.9% of al recipient mail servers. HubSpot should embrace this and always see the reply-to address as contact email address, connect it to the contact and reply to that address.
Guys this is basic for any ticket system! Shame on you that it isn't!
I'd also like to request this. The reply-to details completely disappear from messages at the moment, which means replies go to the wrong address and bounce.
We need Hubspot to allow the reply-to setting to work in the conversations inbox so that we can reply to customers on order confirmations. Right now we are wasting valuable time with each order having to change the reply address when confirming orders with customers.
Please go ahead and upvote this idea and comment on any additional features you would like to add to it! The more upvotes the idea post has, the better the likelihood of it getting implemented 🙂
All our booking forms are received with "reply to" adress. Using hubspot inbox with those end up replying to ourselves.... unless manually changing the recipient adress. Pain in the b.
I completely agree. I spent several hours trying to get reply-to emails to work only to be told by support that Hubspot doesn't recognize reply-to addresses. This is standard email protocol and should be supported. Competitors to Service Hub (such as Zendesk) do not have this limitation.
I just reported this to Hubspot after troubleshooting months of lost emails in the "Conversations -> Inbox" functionality with a specific customer. Hubspot confirmed that they don't support reply-to and I was told to upvote it here.
It's unfortunate that this is not viewed by them as a bug. We will have to start looking for another CRM tool.
We are sending into the HubSpot Inbox requests that come through a Typeform, and HubSpot is not reading the reply-to field configured in Typeform to be the requester's email, so there is no way to reply to the customer without manually intervening.
I can't believe this still isn't added. We have customers email us purchase orders. If we reply it goes to a generic message service and gets lost. I have to log into our email client, get the reply to address from there and then send the email. It's crazy.
This was a popular idea on this forum previously but when I went to see if it had been updated, the idea has been archived "to ensure the information and answers you find throughout the Community are relevant and correct". It's still a problem so I don't see how it's neither relevant nor correct.
We are disappointed this is still an issue - this feels like basic ticketing functionality. Can someone from the Hubspot team articulate why this isn't being worked on?
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