HubSpot Ideas


Content Analytics for Snippets

Use case:

To better enable our sales and service teams, we're regularly reviewing all content in HubSpot.

While we can review the usage and performance of Templates and Documents, there seem to be no available metrics for Snippets. Our best practice/SOP documentation and content refresh plan hinge on having a clear view of all the content tools we're using, what's working, and the ability to measure impacts of our changes.


Request: Provide means to evaluate performance of Snippet usage, similar to that of  Templates and marketing email performance

9 Replies
Community Manager



Thank you for your feedback! I have moved your content to the Ideas Forum so that other Community members can upvote your idea.


any update on this?


Participant | Platinum Partner

I agree it would be great to have a tool to analyze snippets, not only templates and documents.


We have a lot of outdated snippets in hubspot, but everyone is too afraid to delete them because we're "not sure if others use them" - data for 'last clicked/utilized' would be great.

Obviously snippets can be edited before sending, but I think the best solution is find out when it was last clicked (pasted) into the email body and consider that to be the 'last use' or a count of use.


The need to report the use of snippets. ‌‌👍 It would be good to know who has used snippets and how many times this snippets has been used. Also is it possible to see when this snippet email has been sent to contact?


¿Cómo es posible que no existan métricas para analizar el uso de fragmentos? Pienso que es más que necesario para profundizar en el desarrollo del trabajo del equipo de ventas. 

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

I agree with the previous comments—it would be great to be able to report on snippets just like you can for templates, sequences, and documents. That way, you can know which ones are used (and used the most) and which ones do not get used. Then you can choose to update the unused snippets or delete them.

HubSpot Employee

this feature would be extremely helpful to our customers


De notre coté nous aimerions beaucoup nous aussi récupérer les historiques de discussion ou statistique sur les blocs de texte utilisés par notre équipe afin d'entrainer notre IA à mieux répondre ou comprendre les demandes récurantes