HubSpot Ideas


Contact property - number of email opens (HubSpot Sales)

It would be great if we had a Contact property "Number of Email Opens" that we could filter contacts using it as well as add it as a column in Contacts view. As we have a trigger in the process to call a prospect, even if they are on a sequence, if they open an email 3 times (in which case we could also take them off the sequence, which makes qualification so much faster), the ability to display contacts who hit that number or are close to hitting it (e.g. 2 opens), that would help us a lot in shortening the prospecting cycle a lot thanks to moving the exploratory call to the early stage of the prospecting sequence/sales process. Can you provide that feature in the near future?

53 Replies

I can't believe this idea was submitted in 2017 and we are still lacking an efficient solution. This would greatly increase our prospecting productivity - please solve. 


Just wanted to give further backing to this idea and echo the sentiments, for an idea raised in 2017 would be thinking it would be just around the corner? Is HubSpot able to provide an update of where this is in the pipeline of being an added feature?


Love the new marketing emails opened feature, but would love to see the same thing for sales emails opened. Currently we can only view the number of marketing emails opened.


Agreed. There needs to be more granular filters to track and report on Sales Email Activities. I understand these numbers are affected by some email clients, and privacy settings, but a basic ability to track would be helpful in most peoples' workflows where those numbers are available. 


I'm trying to conjure a solution to this with my team now. 

How many Sales Emails were sent? By Who? Of those sends, how many were "opens"? "Unopened? Delivered? Failed to deliver? Who had the most opens? How many clicks? Who had the most clicks? etc. etc.




Still missing for sales emails...

Haven't found the posibility to create a custom property and no solution in sight from HubSpot...


Hi Everybody,


I was struggling with the exact same issue, but there seems to be a workaround, the GOOD NEWS is, it seems to work!


You can find the orginal post here, full credits to Anaïs!

HubSpot Community - Count Sales Emails openings for a contact - HubSpot Community


Hi everyone, 


Here is my trick for getting a custom contact property with the number of Sales email openings / Sales email clicks by contact, as it's not available yet either in the UX or the API. 


I've had this talk with several people, and I believe I saw a post somewhere with folks asking about this topic, but can't find it at the moment. (Feel free to ref this post if you come across it). It is SUPER SIMPLE and extremely useful, so here are my two cents to make your hubspot contact management even better.


1. Create a custom contact property of type Number. 

2. Create a contact workflow, with the trigger "Last Sales Email opening date" is known

3. Action : add 1 to the custom contact property. 


You can do the exact same with "Last click in a sales email date".


Basically, the "is known" trigger will activate every time the property changes, so what this does is count the different email opening timestamps. 

It works like a charm, starting from the moment when you implement it. So I'd advise doing it ASAP in order to make the most of it. 


I haven't yet found a way to count the openings for the backlog, but if you're planning to import new contacts for the year, do yourself a favor, it's amazingly useful for mkg/sales MRR attribution, contact priorization and basically, Sales scoring. 

I'll do another post with my best practices regarding this. 


Let me know what you think (especially if you find a way to count ALL values for "Last email opening date"...) and happy new year!




Any updates on this? Trying to create a report based off sales email open vs marketing email opens. 

Would love to create an automation for opened emails to create a task to review. 


We have so many engaged users who open multiple emails, and we are so frustrated that there isn't a simple way to filter for users who open emails multiple times, or that we can't filter for users who opened a specific email multiple times. If it's in the analytics section of the email, why isn't there a way to filter for it in a list? I'm shocked this was suggested all the way back in 2017 and nothing has been done since.


The workaroud as proposed by Abaakmeer works well. And after that, in your Contacts list you can add a column with Email opens and Email click.

Top Contributor

This makes no sense, HS devs. 

Every time I send a marketing email, you give me performance stats on 'top engaged', including those that clicked by number of times, and by number of opens. But I can't use those very same stats when building a list to send a sequence or to share with my ADRs. On the email marketing performance tab, it won't even let me make that info into a list, or expand it to one list to copy-paste, or export it. Why make this so hard when you have the data?

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 4.20.28 PM.png


I love this idea. I can see this in Zoom Info. With close to 30,000 contacts in our newly established account, being able to see a list of our most active opens and clicks would help us go after our most interested leads.


Kind of shocking this isnt already an OOTB feature, we desperately need this to be effective in lead gen activity.


For the life of me, I cannot understand how this is not a standard feature. The activity feed in the prospecting tool is already displaying the live feed of email opens and email clicks, so the data is obviously already there. However there is still no way to use this in any meaningful way. For small business with limited resources you need to priorities your efforts and focus your limited time on those who are most engaged. The number of email opens and clicks is the single most important signal of engagement. This is surely an easy fix, but this item has now been sat in the ideas page and ignored, for coming up on 8 years now.
In that time there has been a lot of functionality released that is next to useless for small businesses and teams who don't have the internal resources to be able to use everything the platform can now do. However, something as simple as being able to create a dynamic list based on number of times a sales email has been opened or clicked? That simple fix would make a huge different to small businesses and probably large ones also.