Is there a process for associating tags to contacts or companies? If not, is there another way in which to associate certain qualities to contacts and/or companies that are not already listed?
@lizzie_p@dtwuensch Thank you for the quick replies here. We do think that, at this stage, "multiple checkbox" custom properties provide much of the same value. Certainly, there are places where they don't entirely fit the bill. And, it's not totally out of the question that we build tags some day. However, as of now, there are more pressing customer issues that our team needs to focus on to deliver the highest quality overall product.
Thank you as always for your continued feedback, it helps us build a great product.
We are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating our priorities and roadmap to deliver as much value to our customers as possible. At this time, adding tags is not something our team is currently planning to build natively into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future and we will update this idea if that becomes the case.
Adding to the chorus. Having tags would be immensely helpful for sorting Contacts. Creating too many custom properties gets cumbersome and confusing, and they don't translate well between Contacts and Companies. Other CRM systems offer this; we're considering switching to a platform that offers this. Please consider creating an update.
The need for users to be able to create multiple tags on contacts and companies on the fly really isn't just nice to have... it's a necessity. There are 1001+ different reasons for it, and it would help users find what they are looking for quickly. An example would be that I'm talking to a prospect and learn they are attending a tradeshow that I'm also attending, so I would tag them something like "ABC Tradeshow 2021"... and when the time comes for me to dig up that tag, I might have tagged 20 others with the same. But there could be multiple tags on any contact and they would NOT be just pulled from a pre-defined list but created by users on the fly. So custom dropdowns on objects wouldn't work well for this use as was suggested to me as a workaround. Would LOVE to see you prioritize and build this.
I have just moved over to HS from ActiveCampaign where tags are fundamental to list creation and easy segmentation. We had just a few lists, and all campaigns were sent dynamically using tags. Already in HS we have over 100 lists which is slightly frying my brain.
After some painful discovery, I came up with an approach that is not perfect - but it works.
1) I have a field called "Workflow trigger" and the idea is that you can insert any value in that field and that will trigger automations. At the end of the automation you clear the value from the field, making it possible to store another value in there and trigger other workflows.
2) I use this field to append values to a "multiple choice" field. So for example, I have a list of campaigs and events in one multiple choice property. And then when a person downloads "Report A" i trigger a workflow that appends "Report A" into the field.
The end result behaves very much like tagging, but is obviously more cumbersome to work with and to modify. But when I built it once, it works in practice and its easy to expand as all of my workflow triggers are stored in one workflow.
We are converting from AGILE CRM to Hubspot and I find not having TAGS to be a disadvantage as I need a way to simply filter contacts - using the list system seems very clunky.
I really loved using tags in Zoho. Wish hubspot had the feature.
Yes, technically, you can get similar from creating properties, but it's not nearly as easy when you are in a list and just creat a tag on the fly to apply to all of the list. We used them to quickly mark a list of people that attended a trade show, with a tag like "INBOUND 2017". You could easily search everyone with the tag, add the tag to anyone from lists or profiles, etc.
It puzzles me how this has not been resolved or put at the roadmap after two years of requests in different posts.
We implemented hubspot at two ventures fully trusting we had chosen a best in market solution. Instead, teams have to make inefficient workarounds to make up for a rather basic feature to quickly label campaigns / contacts for later reference.
In both ventures, our enterprise licences are ending soon, and at this point we will migrate to an alternative.
I have been working on a solution, it's called: HubTags
Here is a video demonstrating our latest updates: Video
Features: -Tag contacts & companies. -Create, edit, and delete tags on the fly. You can do this right from a individual contact page -Filter contacts & companies using tags AND hubspot properties. You can use one, both, or mix them when running a filter. -Use 'OR' between properties when running a filter. --Native HubSpot filter only works like this: --Show me contacts with Property1 AND Property2 --HubTags works like this: --Show me contacts with Property1 AND/OR Property2
I ran into this today as trying out CRMs... not having 'tags' as a built in function is like selling a car without a steering wheel! I couldn't pay for Hubspot unless it has a 'normal' intuitive tag function like other CRMs. What's amazing is that Hibspot is such an established ocmpany, yet doesnt have them already implemented.
5 years later and Hubspot still does not support tags. What a shame!
To work efficiently in Marketing you need Tags, like in Close, ActiveCampaign and most good CRMs. Unfortunately Hubspot does not support native Tags. A regular custom field does not do the job and Tags are too important for external software.
Feature Request:
Implement native Tags into Hubspot. Tags should be added and not deleted or overridden
With real Tags, it is easy to label contacts (or other entities) and easily filter contacts based on tags. New Tags should be created super fast and not in the admin panel.
Furthermore it is relevant, that Tags should always be ADDED and not deleted by merging contacts or enriching contacts. Unfortunately most of the time Hubspot does not import Tags at all or does delete and override existing Tags by merging or importing contacts, but what is really needed is, that Tags are ADDED next to previously existing Tags.
I can't believe Hubspot still doesn't support tags. When I worked with Hubspot for the first time, about 4 years ago, I already raised this. Along with heaps of others. Still, people are waiting. Meanwhile, Hubspot seems to turn into a convoluted Salesforce 2.0, where it needs other companies to sell in their features where Hubspot leaves a void. That's a shame for a small companies needing just basic CRM features. I guess I will chose Capsule for my latest business venture as well then. (P.S.: I'm not saying Hubspot doesn't have great features and delivers a lot of value otherwise, it comes down to needs and preferences I guess).
I agree that this feature is needed. We would like HubSpot to serve as a product catalog in which we can identify when a contact has requested a product, or when a change is made to the product we can easily tag it.
I VOTE FOR TAGS! Is there a timeline for tags yet a half decade later since the OP created this thread? It is an important feature for a marketing/customer-centric journey, and critical for 3rd party integrations to be able to share/sync tagging information.
This thread started in 2017, and it seems like the sensible folks posting here have taken the time to share their needs and its concerning that so many years later, something as standard as a tag, hasn't been deployed for a marketing-centric platform like Hubspot.
As a new HubSpot user, with one foot in the door, and one foot outside because of "compatibility issues like this, I hope Hubspot will adopt the standards in use, by all other major players. It makes me wonder why Hubspot has put this one off in particular?!
I ran into the lack of tags/labels simply trying to sync Google contacts from the start, and Mailchimp data sync has been a major issue without tags, as well as Square Space customer tags. So many supposed "integrations," yet without tags, it's not a useful integration at all because that universal marketing information isn't shared/integrated. Google, Mailchimp, and Square Space are large enough that this feature should be top of the list not to mention almost everyone else uses tags.
I have been spending days trying to find a pathway to cobble Hubspot multi-select properties to act like tags in Mailchimp for segmenting capabilities, yet Hubspot's Mailchimp integration won't allow me to map multi-select properties to Mailchimp tags and won't map to Mailchimp group fields (MailChimp's only checklist option). Mailchimp general audience fields only support single select fields so can only map radio buttons and dropdowns, and yet that's still not mapping correctly. So, instead of using Hubspot pre-built integrations (not the panacea I thought it would be), I'm sitting here trying to build things in Zapier anyway... wasting time. I'm not a tech department, I'm a small business owner burning up limited resources on what feels like basic integrations, and somehow that makes me a grumpy cat.
The lack of tagging is either causing Hubspot users serious friction/frustration and/or they are choosing other CRM options when they have existing tags/labels in use. If you're a small business without unlimited tech resources, this is my cautionary tale about integration woes due to tags, so if you are reading this, check to see if Hubspot has deployed tags yet, and allows mapping them in their integrations before you spend too much time getting things to work.
And Hubspot, why aren't you allowing mapping to multi-spect fields within Mailchimp? Please enable mapping to Mailchimp Groups...please. It would help, but you are blocking that mapping in the Mailchimp integration. It's not the needed tags discussed above, but it would help share some primary segmentation logic between systems unless there are competitive reasons for not letting users do this. I would argue, that allowing this basic group mapping (and tags generally) is a win-win collaboration-friendly model. If tags are employed, I'm sure you'll win more customers than you'll lose. Better to have a willing customer, than a hostage who can't truly inter-operate with their other systems. I will just assume you are not intentionally maintaining friction points for monetary reasons because that is not a model that wins customers over. Food for the big think in Hubspot leadership.
Can anyone here point me to a nice Zapier pathway to not only turn contact properties into tags in Mailchimp (and vice versa), but also at the same time add that tag to the user's profile in Mailchimp? I don't want to have to edit zapier every time I add a new property field under a quasi "tagging" property from Hubspot.