HubSpot Ideas


Contact lists based on Company lists

REPOST from another submission I just found: 


Using company lists as inclusion/exclusion rules on contact lists would be a game-changer. Sometimes we have extensive lists of companies excluded from contact lists, but instead of being able to create a company list (based on an import) and having that be an "associated company is not a member of list X" on a contact list, we have to paste each individual company name as a value in "company name is". 


It would be so helpful to build a contact list where I could say "the contact's associated company is a part of X company list" and it would take all of the contacts for that specific company. 

1 Reply

This would be HUGE for me - it seems so strange that you can filter based on whether a contact is a member of a list, but not whether their associated company is in a specific list. I work with a lot of schools, and creating a new company property each time I want to be able to filter contacts by a specific subset (schools that are using this particular program, for example) is not sustainable / good practice.