Contact List filter for Number of associated companies
Hi team,
It'll be great if we could filter a contact list by the number of associated companies. There isn't a direct filter for this in a list or workflow at the moment and it'll definitely benefit customers distilling these records.
@JJimenez29 Here is how I built the report. I can't limit it to contacts with more than one associated company but sorting by count of companies in descending order gets me mostly there. I download it and use Excel to exclude the records with only one company. When building the report, Contacts is the primary data source and Companies is secondary. (Ignore APA Contact ID, that's just a custom property we use.)
Now, if only it were easy to turn a report into a list without having to download it and reupload, but that's another feature request. 😄
We are in need of such filtering option also. As many have said here before. There is options for this when it comes to associated contacts for a company, but not the other way around.
Hey, I couldn't get @karenkaz's solution to work. For sone reason, when I exported the contacts, they all had either 0 or 1 in the companies count. In case that happens to anyone else, my workaround has been to export contacts with the contacts - companies column, and then filter for any with a semicolon, indicating more than one ID populates the field.
Need this greatly! This would be an amazing report to keep database hygiene, especially since you can't delete or merge duplicate companies in HubSpot when you have the Salesforce integration active.
Still very much in need of this property to identify contacts that have multiple / duplicate companies associated! (The Hubspot feature that automatically associates contacts to companies based on domain OR creates a new company, while useful, is the culprit of generating many a duplicate company which are very hard to identify in bulk. As of now, team has to flag when these occur for admin to merge)
This is a feature very needed! I would like to automate the life cycle of my clients. This would be possible if a contact could only be associated with one company but this is not the case. I need to identify customers with multiple accounts open because otherwise I risk "closing" a contact who has an account closed but has other accounts still open!
This would be extremely helpful for data cleanup. You can kind of accomplish this by adding a contact > companies column in a contacts view, but you can't do anything further within Hubspot. Hope this gets added soon!
I was trying to do this in a report. The reporting engine can filter by "Number of Associated Contact". I also want to filter deals by "Nubmer of Associated Companies".
It should be possible to create a List to show how many Leads (of the new workspace) are belong to this Company. Today it is not possible to check if there is more than one Lead which belong to this company
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