HubSpot Ideas


Contact List filter for Number of associated companies

Hi team, 

It'll be great if we could filter a contact list by the number of associated companies. There isn't a direct filter for this in a list or workflow at the moment and it'll definitely benefit customers distilling these records. 

Thanks for your consideration!

38 Replies



We definitely need this feature too, to be able to filter on the associated companies. 


Thanks for consideration!

Hall of Famer

Agree, I was just looking for this filter to identify which contacts had more than one company associated.

Participant | Elite Partner

Agreed! It's possible to sort by # of associated deals and # of associated contacts, so this feels like a pretty clear gap. 

Member | Elite Partner

It's not available as a feature like requested, but one thing you can currently do is a custom report that has the fields:
Contact ID + Count of Companies

  • At least you can do an export from there. But there's no "Number of associated companies" field yet on the Contact record
Participant | Gold Partner

Much needed property! Please make it happen. Thank you.

HubSpot Employee

Agree that this would be super helpful to have access to!


would be very helpful! 


We need this!


Yes please! This is one of these things which seem inconsistent between Company and Contact objects without apparent reason - there is a company property "number of associated contacts" but no contact property "number of associated companies" and the later would help greatly to be able to clean up data


Good day, can we please create a property for Number of Associated Companies for both Contacts And Deals please! 


This would be great to have!


Agreed - we do not want contacts to be associated to multiple companies, but have no way to query and find the ones who need to be cleaned in the database.


For us it's very important feature (new option in filters) too.

Participant | Platinum Partner

Yes, "number of associated companies" is a must. Thumbs up from me.


Better question - how many people over how long a period of time need to ask for this basic filter for it to happen? 


Otherwise, can someone explain to me how you separate out SMB from enterprise sales for companies that sell into businesses with 1-1k+ locations where each location is listed as an associated company because there is no other way to reasonably wrangle the data when importing? 


Is there any way to set up the custom report to filter the list by "count of companies" > 1 ?


I've got the report and it returns 5k records but only a handful of contacts are associated with more than one company which is what I'm looking for.  When I try to drag "count of companies" over to filters it won't stick.  And there is no "count of companies" field associated with contact records, strangely.  


This report is using both contacts & companies as a source. Anyone have ideas?  Thank you!





Would be a very helpful property to have. I know how to run a report and export all Contacts associated with multiple Company records, but I need a way to if/then a workflow branch if a Contact is associated with more than 1 Company.


Use case: We change who owns (internally) a Contact based on the account's status (i.e. if are they a customer or prospect). Some Contact records, however, are Customers with one Company record, but another Company record they are associated with is NOT a customer. 


Obviously, I don't want to assign a Contact that is still a prospect to a customer success team member when we still have the opportunity to make a new sale. That Contact and its ownership needs to be handled differently, and so an if/then based on the Contact's # of Associated Companies is needed.

Contributor | Elite Partner

Is a feature that is very needed. It IS already possible to create lists/workflows with a count of associated deals/tickets etc. So it would be not that much different from that.


The situation we have is that Contacts book artists, and will do this multiple times. Every time they will fill in their Company name, which will create a new company when they spell it differently every time. For example the first time they use Brandgang, but the second time Brandgang B.V.

We need a way to have insights in how many Contacts have more than 1 Company associated so we can merge the duplicates. 


I want to second KTotten's request as well - I can manage this with a custom report but why can't I filter in that report for count of companies greater than 1? 


@karenkaz  is there a way you can include a screenshot of how to do the report ?