HubSpot Ideas


Conditional logic supported in the HubSpot mobile app.

I would like to suggest the addition of the option of conditional logic when creating records in the HubSpot mobile app, similar to how it already functions in the web version. I believe that this feature would greatly enhance the efficiency when working from mobile devices.

31 Replies
HubSpot Moderator

Hi team!
Currently, conditional logic for the record creation forms is supported on the CRM, but not in the mobile app. This would be tremendously beneficial for those who prefer to interface on their phone and who need to create records from the app. 


+1 on this ! 


+1 !

Member | Elite Partner


Contributor | Elite Partner

Hi Hubspot folks! 

My idea is very simple, I'd just like to make the dependent properties feature available on the mobile application. It is currently not, and it's a major pain point for my mobile users. 

Any plan to do this in the upcoming months?

Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner

Agreed. Just tested this from another community question and was surprised it doesn't work in the mobile app. Would be a great function to have on the go! 


Definitely need this. No point in Conditional logic on only one avenue if it means my team can workaround and not put in the data needed for reporting because they dont want to do the work. 




This would be a very helpful itme for our Company. I just noticed today that when a user created a Deal through the Mobile Application, None of the Conditional Properties setup in the Web Application apper or are required in the Mobile Application. This is very important due to workflows around the mandatory condinotal propertys set up. 


This would be a very helpful itme for our Company. I just noticed today that when a user created a Deal through the Mobile Application, None of the Conditional Properties setup in the Web Application apper or are required in the Mobile Application. This is very important due to workflows around the mandatory condinotal propertys set up. 


Hello all, here's a use case I am dealing with that would be enabled with this capability.


I have two teams that have different requirements for the contact form.  One team requires an email address is entered when creating a contact record.  The other team does not require an email address.  How can I make the email address conditional on the contact form?  I resolved this on the desktop app as follows.  I just need the conditional logic functionality to work the same on the phone create form.
On the contact create from, I made the email not required. Then I created a dropdown that allows the user to select what team they are from.  Then I added conditional logic to the team dropdown so that if the team selected requires the email, then the email field shows up as required.  This works great on the desktop; however, on the mobile app, the conditional logic does not work.
I personally think this is more of a #bug.  Please fix the mobile app form so that it handles conditional logic same as the web form.  Thanks!

Mobile app MUST allow the same conditional properties as the website.  What is the point of having conditional properties if they only work on one version of the service.  HubSpot is a CRM tool - that means used by sales reps, who are on the go.  No sales rep is going to wait until they get to their computer to fill out a form, this HAS to work on the mobile app.  It makes tickets functionally useless if their is only one pathway available, especially when you get at least 2 pipelines.  What is the point of 2 pipelines if you can't have conditional logic that allows for different respones on the two pipelines (at least on mobile).  It works great on the web, this is a massive oversight to not work on mobile.  HubSpot, fix this.

HubSpot Moderator

+ 1 on behalf of a customer! They created conditional properties that aren't showing in the app. 


We have 40% of our users on the mobile App and not having Conditional Logic, makes the entry form cumbersome on the mobile.  The biggest problem is that the properties that are dependant, do not even show up on the Mobile App form at all.  So this effectivly makes the conditional logic on entry forms unavailable to our entire enterprise.  If you can not make conditional logic available to the mobile, PLEASE, show the dependant properties on the mobile app.




Hello All,


This idea is a must have, but it is not getting the attention that it deserves.  I noticed that it is categorized as a mobile application idea.  Is there a way to add both the Forms category and Properties category as well?


This is an absolute requirement. For such team members who are mostly on the field, using laptop devices is not preferable. So this basic requirement of having the conditional properties/dependent properties feature work on the mobile app is a MUST-HAVE.


In a case where a Field Executive has to create tickets while they are on the field and need to mention a few details in the ticket creation form, the mobile app does not serve the purpose of having conditional properties.


So please, I would request the HubSpot team to please look into this and incorporate it ASAP.


We need this too!


We need this too.  ASAP.

HubSpot Product Team

Yup this is a must have, would really love to have this added