Conditional Logic on Cards in Deal Overview Center Panel
Currently we're able to add our own cards and display various information on deals under the 'Overview' tab in the center panel.
It would be great if we could display information conditional on the pipeline.
For instance, if my business 'Home Buyers Pipeline' could display a 'Home Buyer Attachments' section and 'Listings Pipeline' could display a 'Listing Attachements' section instead.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Looking forward to the product team expanding the logic between the left panel and other panels to be consistent and allow Conditional display logic for all three, as well as expand it to allow multiple conditions as seen in this post below:
Bumping this thread for support. This would be a valuable feature and I'm surprised it isn't included by default.
The one work around we have here is to move the properties we want to use from the Overview card to the left panel where the conditional logic is possible, but that has a different set of issues so it is not ideal.
I would also settle for conditional views logic. For example, use X contact record view by default, but use Y view if these conditions are true (with a team being assigned to both, and one of them being the default).
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