Conditional/Dynamic Dependant Dropdown Properties in forms and CRM
Dependant form fields are a great way of showing users different form fields/properties based on their selection in another.
In some situations, however, we really need to be able to show a subset of the values within one property based on the selection in another.
For this we need to be able to create rule-based, conditional or dynamic dropdown fields that are also dependant on other properties.
Forms are one use case for this, but some users also wish this was supported in the CRM UI, to assist internal users in making the right selections quickly.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
We use HubSpot Teams and do have specific team properties, but this improvement is still very necessary for us. We have global properties (eg. deal type) that the teams would then have to scroll and find their relevant deal type (the drop down list is loong). If the team is selected from one property, then deal type should be conditional based on the team selected. Would save everyone a lot of time!!!
We have a client with multiple locations, where certain lines of business are offered only at certain of those locations.
To me it's very strange that even with an enterprise account, I can't do progressive forms wherein if someone selects a location they can't see a list of only the lines of business at that location.
We're a big corporation, so in order for our integration with our CRM to work, we need the State to always come from a predefined list (with duplicate internal values, just to keep you on your toes). But right now, this is basically impossible to do without the world's most complicated "form template" that people must always duplicate if they want to have the right fields in place. This is just begging for problems to arise right now, and will only grow as a concern if we bring more local sales entities onboard.
Yes we need this sort of feature, when asking customers to fill in our forms such as asking when their operating times are (opening and closing time) - there is no option to create a field for them to fill in using "free text" but within specific formatting rules (eg. HH:MM AM/PM).
This is really important for progressive audience segmentation using forms. Our company serves many industries, with many segments, and even subsegments. We have a lot of content offers that allow us to progressively develop our contacts when we nurture with new gated content. I'd prefer to just create one dropdown property for each of Industry, Segment, and Subsegment, then limit what is visible in dropdowns lower on the hierarchy based on what was selected above. Unfortunately, right now I must create a new property for each. E.g if my Industry property options were Telecom and Manufacturing, I would need to create a "Telecom Segment" property and a "Manufacturing Segment" property, and this just cascades down. If I have 10 industries each with 5 segments, that's 51 properties (including Industry)! Makes it much harder to manage when list-building...
Absolutely necessary for multinational retailers. Client of ours delivers to countries across the globe, and Province/Region is a required field in their shipping process. It cannot be handled by a single line text field as this is prone to errors. So the dropdown options are dependent on the country. Since the shipping is done in an external system, this means:
A dropdown field for each relevant country in the world that consists of provinces/regions
Integration rules for each relevant country, i.e. "if country = US, fetch the States field", "if country = CA, fetch the Provinces - CA field"
Many hours of development work and a convoluted solution, that could be done much more elegantly.
Other use case: I want to present my dropdown options in the native language of my visitor. If I want to do that now, I'd have to create a separate dropdown field for each language. This is a nightmare when it comes to segmenting. Take the country field for example. Every time I want to create a segment of contacts with Country = US, I'd have to query all the dropdowns in all the different languages, for their translation of 'US'.
I don't know if this forum really works! But giving a shot anyway!
It is crucial for any sales team to know how a particular region/sales team is performing. We can add the properties, but it time consuming for the sales guys to update so many fields for us to run a report. CRM is supposed to help eliminate excel sheets. Would be great if you guys could consider this request.
This is an absolutely important feature which provides depth and enrichment to the customer profile based on the journey. Selecting a stage and a sub-stage, category and a sub category etc. It eradicates the need for the user to make a selection based on thier own judgement thus reducing errors. I feel the impact of this feature is huge and we need it asap. I hope this idea is taken up for development soon.
This seems like a fairly straightforward feature that most of HubSpot's competitors offer. Can a team member from HubSpot comment and let us know if this is something that's been considered for the development roadmap? Thank you!
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