HubSpot Ideas


Complete Hubspot Campaigns API

Hi all,
Is HubSpot planning to provide an API for the campaign objects?
It does not seem possible to fetch the campaign and it’s related data with the API.

There's this:
But this only enable to fetch some campaign attributes linked to an email.

We would like to sync campaign itself to another environment.
Alternatively, making such a campaign from remote sources would also be cool.

Another idea: If I could fetch the campaign header, the start and end date, the budget, the persona’s, then I could extract that to other systems that might use it for marketing resource management purposes (i.e. to make marketing plans, marketing budgets, … and to report on this)

Any idea if a ‘real’ campaign API is on the Hubspot roadmap?

Thanks for insights :slight_smile:



HubSpot Updates
December 09, 2024 05:45 AM

Hi everyone,


This feature is now live. More details can be found here .
We will further improve the Campaigns API throughout 2025 and beyond - please keep an eye on respective product updates in your HubSpot account. 


With best regards,

Jenny Mueller 

In Beta
October 02, 2024 08:02 AM

Hi everyone,


The feature is now available in a Public Beta - click here to find out more and join the beta. 


With best regards,

Jenny Mueller 

In Planning
June 21, 2024 02:23 AM

Hi everyone, 


I wanted to give you a brief update on the status of the Campaigns API: We are still working on the feature and will release a beta in (mid-end) Q3. 


Once the Public Beta has been opened, I will let you know accordingly.


With best regards,

Jenny Mueller 

In Planning
April 03, 2024 09:28 AM

Hi everyone,


Thank you for your patience. 
We are hoping to release a beta version of the Campaigns API before the end of Q2 (end of June) and will keep you posted, once available.

We are open to meet with you to learn more about your requirements, helping to shape the feature. If you are interested, please find a date and time using this meeting link. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.

With best regards, 
Jenny Mueller (Campaigns - Product Manager) 
Byung Chung (Strategic Integrations - Senior Product Manager)

In Planning
January 11, 2024 03:29 AM

Being Reviewed
September 25, 2023 05:02 AM

Hi everyone,


I have seen some additional comments for this ideas forum post and wanted to provide an update from our side:

With many other, new and exciting features being delivered before the end of the year, we are not prioritising a Campaigns API for this year. However, as we are planning for 2024, improving the reporting experience in Campaigns is one of our key focus areas. Once I have a more detailed update to share in terms of delivery timelines and more, I will provide an update in here. 


Best regards,

Jenny Mueller 

October 18, 2022 03:59 AM

Hi everyone,


My name is Jenny Mueller and I am the Product Manager of Campaigns, working in Shay's team. I will continue the conversation with you from here. 

I appreciate your feedback provided in the comments, and I'm pleased to let you know that we are currently reviewing all possible options to find the best solution for the use cases provided in the comments. 


We will keep you posted with further details around expected timings and more. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesistate to contact me. 




Being Reviewed
May 25, 2020 01:57 PM

Hi everyone, I have some updates to share here. I've posted a few updates on a bunch of other ideas related to Campaigns, for example: The shortened version is that we're working on a large update to the campaigns app to enable us to improve some long standing feature requests for the campaigns app and that includes introducing a public API. At the moment we're focused on introducing a scalable architecture for the backend which will enable us to go well beyond the limited set of assets you can associate with a campaign today. This also means that when we introduce an API it'd be able to do a lot more than just read data for the assets inside of HubSpot, but also enable you to add your own content to a campaign (like in the example linked above).


We have a bit of work ahead of us to really nail the new campaigns architecture to make it as scalable and flexible as we have in mind, but rest assured that once we're happy with how things are looking on the inside we'll be opening up a whole host of new public APIs to go with it. 


In the meantime any and all feedback around what you'd like to see from these APIs and the campaigns app overall is hugely appreciated. Feel free to think outside of the confines of the current app, anything you wish the app could do that it doesn't current? How would that manifest as an API? What systems would you pull data into, or push into HubSpot? Really looking forward to your feedback! 

57 Replies

+1, we would like to have access to the campaign/ads performance available under over an API andpoint.


This is a very very important feature. since performance marketing plays an important role in marketing, we need to analyze paid marketing data.


This would be so helpful. Are there any updates on timeline for this to be rolled out?





I am really disappointed by not having a full API for HubSpot. We are a relatively new customer and it might be our fault to not check on the completeness of the API.

I also need to highlight, that the question was asked 5 years ago and the last reply from hubspot is from 2 years ago.

Perhaps you (HubSpot) can start by implementing a read only API which provides access to the basic properties like ID and Name. This would be a start.

We have 2022 and the "API first" approach is widely accepted since several years.


Please give us an estimate when we can expect a realease of this API.


Sorry for my harsh words but I have to tell my team now that they can't see the name of the originating campaigns for their leads.  


@Shay - update please?




I am trying to get all the campaigns that are visible on the page via the Hubspot API:<account ID>/campaigns/views/all

or<account ID>/campaigns












But currently there is still no specific Campaigns API. 

Please implement it!


@JennyMueller - could the community get an update on this request? Thanks in advanced!


Would really love this feature for campaign-level attribution reporting. 


It would be so valuable to be able to see pull contact level interactions with a campaign via API. Campaign effectiveness reporting is so limited in HS. This is such a challenge for my team. 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone,


My name is Jenny Mueller and I am the Product Manager of Campaigns, working in Shay's team. I will continue the conversation with you from here. 

I appreciate your feedback provided in the comments, and I'm pleased to let you know that we are currently reviewing all possible options to find the best solution for the use cases provided in the comments. 


We will keep you posted with further details around expected timings and more. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesistate to contact me. 







Has anyone been able to pull campaigns that are not email campaigns via API call? If you have how did you go about pulling this information?




Participant | Diamond Partner

@JennyMueller Having a public campaigns API would be extrememly helpful! Here are some other features of campaigns that some clients of ours have been asking for and that I feel could be helpful for everybody:

  • Cost per Lead
  • Cost per MQL
  • Cost per SQL
  • Cost per Sale
  • The ability to associate a list to the campaign that will count towards the metrics in the campaign (a use case would be for webinars or other events)

Any updates on this feature? This is a definite requirement! It can help us do more detailed analysis of all the major marketing campaigns.


@TAfolabi4 We have come up with "hack" that has helped us to get around the problem of a missing campaign API. We created a new field on the deals and contacts called Source Campaign, which is a dropdown select. We have manually filled in the dropdown options on these fields so that they contain all of our recent campaign names and their guids.
Our HubSpot forms have also been changed with an added hidden field Source Campaign, which is set to the campaign tied to each form. As those forms are submitted, the contact's Source Campaign will be set to the campaign that triggered that form submission. We also have workflows that copy the Source Campaign value from the contact to the deal when a deal is created from a form submission.
By doing a nightly copy of all of our form submissions to a separate database, along with the contacts and deals, we can then determine the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns by querying this database to see how many contacts and deals are tied to various campaigns.
Hope this helps.

Hi rskousen

Thank you for this information. I will implement your suggestion.




I would also like this feature.  My current workaround is to get the data of all emails and get the list of campaigns from that.


It seems odd to me that you have an API and a Frontend, but your Frontend doesn't use that API.  If they did, the customers would have access to everything they needed.


We really miss this feature for our monthly marketing campaign reports. 

Right now, we have to go through all campaigns manually and update the numbers to the report file. It would be much easier if we could map it to our make workflow.

It would also be great to be able to create campaigns from an external source. 


Please make this happen, or at least let us create workflows based on campaigns properties, use cases:


- create slack notifications when campaigns start and end (or about to)

- send pre-written marketing emails when campaign start

- get list of all current active campaigns (no pun intended), and it's budgets, costs, performance

- integrate campaign calendar with other tools

- get notifications when campaigns are changed, canceled, created

- automate campaign creation

- forecast financials

- ETL campaign data into data warehouses

- automatically merge campaign spend with expenses not tracked on Hubspot

- get campaign list to allocate expenses on a unified source of truth (hubspot campaigns)



I could spend days here listing possible use cases


also the first request for this is from 2017, please make this happen

Contributor | Elite Partner

This would be very helpful in order to report on actual ROI for campaigns and be able to sync expenses from another platform such as Exact Online towards the campaign object to calculate this.