Comparing/using line item start date & deal close date to create reports and/or workflows
We would appreciated being able to choose another date property to compare/filter on in reports or workflows. In my specific case, this would be being able to create a workflow or report where line item start date is before the deal's close date (or where deal's close date is after the line item start date).
It would be possible to see/get a notification on what deals that have estimated sign date AFTER start date of line items.
Sometimes our deals are delayed, and the sales staff then change the estimated close date, but forget to change the start date of line items, which leads to incorrect reporting. Since e.g. finance believe we will get income from e.g. september, when the deal will not be signed until november.
It could be either be through a report (so that you manually need to check with regular intervals) or a workflow notifying the deal owner.