My company consults with other companies on a B2B basis for training their staff, we build a company profile and an organisational needs analysis (ONA) for those companies to identify their training needs.
What I find strange is that we can only create forms with contact property fields and not company fields (Deal fields too). A contact record does not need a "Total company wage bill" property for example, but I'm forced to create one in order to copy the property over to the company record using a workflow. See:
I'd like the ability to add company fields into a form, to bypass the need to create unnecessary workflows and contact properties. I could see a use for deal fields too as a way to collect order information
(I'd be surprised if I was the first person to suggest this idea, but I couldn't find any related posts around the subject. Let me know if this is a duplicate)
EDIT: Deals and other objects should really be involved in here as well, with the Custom Objects beta coming into play, this is worth discussing too!
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Hi team, I have some good news to share here, we now have a new beta of the Forms app that includes the ability to add Company properties to your forms and collect/create company information via your externally embedded, or CMS embedded forms on HubSpot.
If you're interested in trying out this beta please submit your HubSpot Portal IDs here: and we'll add the beta to your portal within 1 business day.
Please note: This beta doesn't currently include the ability to add Deal properties to HubSpot forms, we are evaluating ways to introduce support for Deals in the future.
Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm a Product Manager at HubSpot. I totally understand the frustration here. Can you give me some examples of different company and deal fields you would use in Forms? I'm trying to understand the problem better.
With the addition of CRM came along company and deal property categories. For B2B companies it would be really nice to be able to ask company based information such as Date founded, number of employees and annual revenue into our landing page forms.
Haven't seen a response to this from Hubspot, but this is almost required for B2B forms to be useful. The information collected in a form would be much more helpful if it were company info rather than individual contact info.
We have a lot of information we need to know about a company before they become a customer, having a contact (related to the company) be able to fill out this information via a form would be ideal.
This request is so basic, it's not even and "Idea".
Could you please enable a company property to be added in a form ?
I understand the complexity behind but you can put a disclaimer : "if the contact has no associated company or multiple associated company, the property will not be registered or updated".
The ability to include company properties in forms was requested over a year ago. Any updates on whether this will happen and if so, when? It's crucial for B2B companies to collect company data such as # of employees and company type.
I need this too! I want to be able to collect deal specific information via a Form and have it populate Deal Properties. Since my customers have multiple deals at one time, each with different values, I can't do this from the Contact Properties.
We are an agency partner. Facing a situation with a client where the email domain and company domain typically don't match so unable to automatically associate companies and contacts. Designed a workflow to populate contact properties into company properties. Since the company doesn't exist in most cases, the workflow doesn't function as expected. So have to manually create an associated company/ contact and manually enroll in the workflow for each contact form submission. As the workflow triggers based on form submission and just completes without the fields being copied over. Not scalable!
We are an agency partner. Facing a situation with a client where the email domain and company domain typically don't match so unable to automatically associate companies and contacts. Designed a work-flow to populate contact properties into company properties. Since the company doesn't exist in most cases, the work-flow doesn't function as expected. So have to manually create an associated company/ contact and manually enroll in the work-flow for each contact form submission. As the work-flow triggers based on form submission and just completes without the fields being copied over. Not scalable!
OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE WE CAN'T ADD COMPANY PROPERTIES TO FORMS YET. Resultantly, I have to include "Annual freight spend" in contact properties AND in company properties, even though we only want it in company properties, just to be able to include it on forms. And the same goes for about 20 other properties (we will onboard new customers with HubSpot forms in addition to using them for lead gen). Doing so will confuse and frustrate my sales team since they'll think they have to enter that info twice. Allowing company properties to be included in forms is ESSENTIAL for HubSpot's becoming a bigger player in the B2B/enterprise/ABM space. Please fix this!
Update: our HubSpot agency (Weidert Group -- 10/10 recommend) built workflows for us that map the info in duplicate properties from contact to company, so that'll eliminate manual labor. However, it doesn't eliminate the disorganization of records and confusion we'll cause our sales team. I did create a contact property group named "Company info -- please manage in company records," but my sales team will still wonder why those properties are in contact records in the first place. Still need to be able to add company properties to forms.
This is yet another OBVIOUS feature that Hubspot continues to overlook. Hubspot is supposed to automate things and make them simpler but I can't help thinking that I spend more time constantly trying to build workarounds to complete what would be very quick and straightforward tasks if HS was listening to its community and building the obvious features that we all need.
Same issue. How is this not a feature in HS? I have over 20 fields in a form that belong on a Company record and my only option is to create a ton of workflows? No thank you.
I agree with everyones comments - forms need to be for more than just contacts. This is a lot of extra work. This means I am creating Properties that do not belong to a Contact just so I can make a form that can capture the data we need, then creating workflows that are also not needed to propogate the information around. This should be easy.
WOW - I'm so frustrated right now. I'm evaluating CMS and other comms solutions for our company. I spent hours learning how to setup and setting up the proper custom properties, and, following the instructions made sure to put them under the correct tab (company properties and deal properties).
Nowhere in the documentation is there anything about the fact that there is no way natively to enter data into those new properties. If I can't add these fields to my forms, what good are they? Create 1,000 custom properteis, but you can't put any data in them using HubSpot's other features unless they are in the "contact properties" tab.
HubSpot, rightly, creates a relationship between companies and contacts. I shouldn't have to duplicate company properties across contacts just to be able to use forms. I can't believe this thread is 16 months old and not only has this flaw not been addressed, but the documentation has not been updated to warn people that custom properties created under deals and companies can only be entered using the API or 3rd party solution.
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