HubSpot Ideas


Company and contact info mandatory to create a DEAL



I am just starting with Deals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. 


When Creating a Deal, I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both information are Mandatory to create a Deal. Today this is not possible.


It seems like a no brainer to ensure team are never missing basic information in a deal.


Thank you

ステータスに更新: Delivered
December 19, 2022 12:29 PM

Hello everyone - an update that this feature is now out to 100% of portals (Starter and above). Please note that it's not reflected in the mobile experience yet - but we are prioritizing that for 2023. Thank you so much for the consistent feedback, and please continue to post feedback on any improvements you'd like to see to future iterations of this functionality.


Edit: Details on how this feature works can be found in this KB article.

ステータスに更新: In Beta
December 05, 2022 03:33 PM

Hi all! An update for you - We are currently in private beta for a feature that will allow you to set associations as visible or required when a standard object record is created. This would include the ability to require users to associate a company or contact when a new Deal is created. 


Your CSM can request access to this beta on your behalf. We plan to move this feature to public beta in the near feature based on usage and customer feedback, at which point customers will be able to opt in themselves. Thank you all for your feedback!!


ステータスに更新: In Planning
November 10, 2022 01:41 PM

 Hi everyone - I'm Rachel from the CRM Product team. We are currently working on a feature that will allow you to set associations as visible or required when a standard object record is created. This would include the ability to require users to associate a company or contact when a new Deal is created.  


Thank you for your input thus far, every comment helps our team prioritize this work. I will post again once I have more updates.



ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
October 28, 2021 03:12 PM

Hi All, 


I'm happy to update that our product team is currently exploring how to solve the problem of setting associated records to deals mandatory in deal creation in HubSpot. In the meantime, please continue to leave your comments and use cases here in this thread


We require this functionality


Why couldn't you:

1. Create a checkbox on Deals for "Associated Company?"

2. Require it be marked "true" to move through Deal stages.

3. Create Company workflow to update the checkbox whenever the Company Associated (built in field) Deal count is >= 1?

   (It will only check yes on the deals that are associated to the Company with the count.)



This is absolutely needed for our use. We are having certain reps not associated contacts and companies to deals which is causing issues with some of our workflows and emails firing. Its becoming a bit of a headache at this point. 


We also really need this functionality.



 we would also need the possibility to have the association to a product as mandatory to create a deal. this is not possible either. We have workflow in place for price calculation that do not occur if people forget to associate the deal to a product, which happens quite often. 



メンバー | Diamond Partner

It would make our lives 100% better if we were able to make associated contacts a required field when creating deals. We have so many people who do not associated contacts and so we are not able to show them where their new customers are coming from. 


We need this as well, lots of deals being created with no associated contacts. Makes transferring deals to new owners when people transition pretty difficult.


We need this too


We also needt his feature. Please make it happen!




I think this is a brilliant idea and it would be great to see it implemented. I want to make it mandatory for the sales team to add a contact when creating a deal so that we have the relevant contact to send specific comms to. Just need that little tick box next to contact so I can make it a requried field.


Another vote for this functionality....


We would also love this ability to do this. 


This is also important for us. I would really like to make it obligatory for my sales team to associate a deal with a company when a deal is closed and won.  When it is just a lead, it does not need to be yet associated with any of the companies in our register. Still not possible?


Hi there,


Our company also really needs this feature, any update on this?


Hi @edjusten,


Why is this still not addressed by the HubSpot team? This is basic functionality. 
Right now we are running a report that identifies the Deals with No Associated Company, but come on. Contact and Company need to be mandatory. 


Deals vs Contacts/Companies truly feels like two different worlds in the data schema. If I'd like to create a wrokflow, for example have a Task created for Deals that do not have an Associated Company, the field is just not there....
Associated Company is there when selecting Contact and vice versa. But Deals and Contacts/Companies are visibly disconnected in numerous places in the CRM


Agreed with all of this.  I have a list and dashboard to manage these when it should be on the sales people to connect it correctly in the beginning.  Some do it but at least 1/3rd forget because they're managing a lot of deals or simply forget.  We have 100+ sales people across the country to so it ends up falling on the marketing team to manually associate them regularly so our reporting works.  Not at all an ideal way to go and a huge waste of time.


I'm wasting so much time creating tasks and following up with people for tactical nonsense. 


Such a waste. I'f we could force associated contacts, comapnies and products - the whole thing would be SO much cleaner and easier to manage.


Is this functionality available yet? What are the best ideas to get around people forgetting to add a contact to a deal?


What's the status on this? 
It was on the roadmap 2 years ago.


Hello @solalsab ,


At the moment it is currently not possible. It can only require deal properties when new deals are created.


I would recommend you to please upvote this following idea here to receive any updates about it.



