HubSpot Ideas


Company and contact info mandatory to create a DEAL



I am just starting with Deals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. 


When Creating a Deal, I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both information are Mandatory to create a Deal. Today this is not possible.


It seems like a no brainer to ensure team are never missing basic information in a deal.


Thank you

230 Replies

Great news - thank you! I will ask out CSM to sign us up for the beta.


Where can I request access to the beta version?


Hey! I'm the CSM, where I can request the access to the beta? Thanks!!

HubSpot Product Team

Hello everyone - an update that this feature is now out to 100% of portals (Starter and above). Please note that it's not reflected in the mobile experience yet - but we are prioritizing that for 2023. Thank you so much for the consistent feedback, and please continue to post feedback on any improvements you'd like to see to future iterations of this functionality.


Edit: Details on how this feature works can be found in this KB article.

Hi Rachel - could you clarify how we enable (or point us to the HubSpot
help article that explains the new feature)?

Thanks HubSpot team and developers!! Set the flag once I received the email about it being rolled out to the portal!!


Thanks, Rachel. This is the best HubSpot news in a long time!


It has no sense have this update only for desktop and not for mobile app.

in addition, there is not the possibility to set mandatory for Line items and the most serious thing Is not to have the possibility to associate a Line item in a deal on mobile app.

HubSpot Employee

Posting this on behalf of the Customer, thanks to the Product Team for requiring a Contact to be associated with the Deal in the Creation Form. However, it would be great if the Association Label can further already be specified on that Same Form rather that Manually adding the Association Label after Creation so that it is not missed out as the Workflows that Send Email critically hinges on this for it to go out as expected. 

Participant | Diamond Partner

To kind of build on top of this, it would be highly valuable if users could be mandated to associate e.g. deals and/or tickets with tickets/deals/custom objects once a deal or ticket is moved to a specific pipeline stage.


Currently, it is possible to make certain properties mandatory, per pipeline stage. It would be great to extend the pipeline stage specifc functions to mandated associations. The end result would be that, for example, one could not close a ticket before associating it with a deal or with a custom object.


As I didn't find an existing idea, I submitted a new one: