HubSpot Ideas


Company Lifecycle Funnel report

Should be able to make a 'Company Lifecycle Funnel' widget with conversion rates between each Lifecycle stage (see 'Contact Lifecycle Funnel' widget for example).

164 Replies

Any update on this?

Conversion rate reporting means nothing on the contact level - reaaalllllly need this functionality on the Company object. 


If anyone has any workarounds, please let me know!


I've tried a few things, e.g. Association label reporting to limit 1 contact per account, but this Association label reporting isn't possible using Funnel type.
I've tried creating a list of Primary Contacts - this isn't possible either. 


Running out of ideas here - such a simple problem that we aren't able to solve for.  

Agree it’s frustrating.

Have you tried creating a unique field for a company, say “primary contact” and assigning a contact from each company. So long as your contacts lifecycle stage mimic your company’s lifecycle stages you can run a report on the unique field based on the contacts lc stage.


Yes, in B2B, Contacts don't convert, Companies do. 


Getting close on this? 


Looks like it is taking forever to get this done!


This is the single biggest challenge to our reporting. We've had to build, test, and rework countless workflows and lead statuses just avoid simple conflicts between marketing, pre-sales, and sales. How this isn't an out-of-the-box feature is baffling.


Until this simple funnel is implemented, HubSpot is very difficult to recommend for a B2B company. HubSpot is really B2C software, but without the e-Commerce functionality of Shopify.


Any update on this?

Conversion rate reporting means nothing on the contact level - really need this functionality on the Company object. 


As a B2B company, this is very important for us. All our workflows run on Companies only & not contacts.


We are using Hubspot from last 2 years and still awaiting the Conversion reporting. This is really frustrating, so we are planning to move to Salesforce due to unavailability of B2B functionality 


no news since December 14, 2022 08:25 AM !!


Urgently needed!! without this functionality a B2B CRM makes no sense 😞

Member | Platinum Partner

I have managed to create a workaround solution to get a company-level lifecycle stage funnel report.

Watch the trick in this post on my LinkedIn


It uses a custom code action in a workflow to identify one contact from a given company that would be included in the Contact funnel report. Then you get a kind of company-level report, and all the conversion & volume metrics available at hand


Still, keeping my fingers crossed to have an integrated solution built in and available directly in HubSpot


Just spent the morning trying to build a report that shows how our account-based marketing is going.


Absolute. Nightmare.


This is so so basic, it would help every single B2B HubSpot customer in a huge way, and it would drastically cut down on the amount of workflows and properties we need to just report on this. If another CRM company called me tomorrow and told me they had this feature, I'd be very hard-pressed not to snap it up instantly.

Contributor | Elite Partner

Yes, please!

HubSpot Product Team

We are currently doing technical diligence on a company funnel builder. We will keep you all posted if (and when) this is ready for a customer-facing beta.


Great to hear! Do any other company-centric reporting / organisational features appear on any of the product roadmaps? We're holding off on a potential CRM switch until we see what drops from HS before XMas. 


Any update here on when this feature will be in beta? 


This came up again today at work. I see lots and lots of new features being rolled out since Inbound but nothing on what seems like a core feature.


An update would be great - will we see it before Christmas?


Hi all! It appears this guy has a workaround for us but I'm having trouble following the YouTube video. If anyone can figure it out, can you post a better breakdown of the steps here? Figured that will help us all! Thanks!

Member | Platinum Partner

Hi @katelynstoll, glad you like my concept for the lifecycles stage reporting for companies!
The link to the custom code in python that you add as a step in a workflow is actually mentioned in the video description.


"Company stage funnel report" folder on my github ➡️


You can also find the screenshot of the workflow

Copy with pride 🙂


Oh WOW! How did I miss that! Thank you soo much Jakub, this is extremely helpful. I hope you have a great weekend!


Any update @dmastin ?