HubSpot Ideas


Company Email Field

Most companies have a general email address for the company and it would be nice to have an email field similiar to the one for contacts that was associated with the company.

Some companies do have more than one "general" address, and having the same functionality as the email field under contacts would faciliate adding more than one of these addresses to a company.


This would allow emails that are more "general" in nature to be filed under the company, as opposed to a person.  Often notifications for events, notices, newsletters and other general types of messages end up going into Hubspot as new email entries - ones which have no name associated with them, and some that are even "no-reply" type addresses.

This would allow a much neater collection of these types of emails, allowing them to be stored in a single, appropriate space under the company.

2 Commentaires

I often find there is a generic email for the company but no provise for this. All you can do is add a field to store this then cut and past it into the email, as this cannot be connect to the email button, that you click on to bring up and email, so all that shows here is the contacts under the company. 

The other issue is once you send the generic email that you have pasted in it creates a random contact under the company, which is not really of any help.

If an improvement to HubSpot could be made to sort this issue it would be great!


There are a few ideas submitted about this exact feature request (as well as other use cases associated with it). As someone exploring CRM options right now, this is an annoying quirk with Hubspot.