It would be beneficial if the cards on the Deal Board view could be custom color-coded. This would help users organize their deal performance and understand it at a glance.
Absolutely important. And this time, please do us a favour and make the rules Pipeline-specific! The previous enhancement on the deal card is a shame as it's across all pipelines! We're handling VERY different information in our different pipelines.
We want to stop using Meistertask but we love the color-coding so much we haven't left this function for HubSpot. Add the ability for us to add color to our deal stages and I'll kiss Meistertask goodbye tomorrow.
Yes please ! Such an important fonctionallity for team sales ! I am currently obliged to use "markers" such as : ** or ++ or == before each opportunity title to mark to whom they Belong on the pipe. My eyes are burning ! Please make it possible for us to use colors, it would be so much better
The colored Deal Cards would be a big advantages for us. But not only for Deal Cards. Also for Companies or Contacts this could be a beatuifuk feature. For example to highlight inactive Contacts or depending on other criterias.
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