Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please!
Update from @JoeMayall: Due to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."
I'm Naz from HubSpot's product team, and I have great news! Our product team has prioritized Record Cloning in 2025. We'll keep you posted as we make progress toward this goal. In the meantime, if you are interested in participating in any research as we shape the solution, please submit your contact information in this form.
Hey HubSpot Community, Here to share an un-fun update. We explored Cloning Deals in the second half of 2023 but are not ready to execute yet. Projects like this seem easy on the surface, but both technical and customer experience implications really matter. We're committed to providing the best experience, and sometimes that means taking extra time to do so. I know this is still a pressing need, and plan to make strides this year. In the meantime, as folks on this thread have mentioned, either using a workflow or an app like Deal Duplicator are your, admittedly not perfect, best options. -Maggie
Hi HubSpot Community great news! Our product team is prioritizing this feature and actively working on a solution. To help us better understand what exactly you'd like to clone (e.g. properties, associations, activities), could you please take this short survey? Thank you!
*Update: Survey link has been fixed, please let me know if you're still not able to access it.
Thank you all for your incredible patience. We reckon an update is warranted.
Unfortunately, this idea remains unplanned. The team is currently planning some really valuable, high-impact features (e.g. team goals, deal overlays, color coding the deals board) that fall higher on the priority list. We can't take this on. But we understand the need and see the value in a cloning feature.
Thank you for your continued feedack here. I wanted to provide an update on the status of this idea. Cloning a deal is absolutely on a list of things we’d like to do. However, the list is long and time and resources are limited, so building this functionality is ultimately a question of priorities, and this is a lower priority compared to some of the other things we’re working on right now. We're continuing to keep an eye on the use cases provided in this idea and are always re-evaluating our top priorities, I'll be sure to update this thread when this is a more near-term priority.
Thank you for your continued input on this idea. As I mentioned in a previous post, saving reps time is squarely in the realm of things we are thinking about on the HubSpot Product Team.
I have not heard anything from Hubspot on this, but we have found a work around where we created a property associated with a deal called "Copy Deal Trigger" and when this is set to "yes" (defaults to "no") then a workflow triggers the creation of a new deal that copies many of the properties of the existing deal.
Hey Courtneyymn! I know this thread is a bit old but we have an app called Clone Attack that would be perfect for you! It allows you to duplicate deals and tickets with just a few clicks. It also lets you choose what fields you want carried over to the duplicate. Check it out here.
If you need help installing or getting set up, let me know! I’d be happy to hop on a call with you. Best, -David Staat
I will never understand how it is possible to not have a deal clone button.
Deals are one of the most crucial pieces of information we manage with Hubspot. We create and move deals around, so it seems only natural to need a clone feature for deals. Why is this functionality not considered important by the Hubspot team? Are we missing something? Why do we have to rely on third-party tools or search for obscure solutions for something so simple?
If someone were to write the history of CRMs, this would undoubtedly be one of the biggest mysteries...
Yes, please prioritize this request please. It's something that will help adoption rate with our organization I believe. Today it is just too cumbersome to work with deals in many small ways.
I agree with all the comments here. Cloning deals is extremely important and a core feature that is needed. Our company has requested that this feature be prioritized since we started using HubSpot and we have no concrete answer as to when this will be available.
Yes please, we also need this as a feature. It feels like it is missing from the Assign, Edit, Delete, Create Tasks options when an Admin selects a deal. We have been waiting a long time for this option.
This feels like table stakes for a CRM. It's difficult to encourage staff to use HubSpot when feature that they don't even consider to be 'features' are missing.
Hey everyone. Hope to offer a bit of help here. Better understanding HubSpot's product team philosophy may help you avoid some frustration. As HubSpot has scaled upmarket in recent year's, they're looking to their growing App Partner Community to solve for challenges like cloning objects (ie: Deals). HubSpot may or may not ever solve for this because a partner like Hapily with their Clone Attack have already done so to their satisfaction.
Think of it like your cellphone. Your iPhone or Android device is pretty dope out the box but needs addtional apps to add value for your specific use case. Hope that helps.
Then, a fair expectation for HS to respond (especially one with this many uplikes and 3-4 different posts) with the partner who can assist. Which they haven't. This feature, however, along with manually moving invoices to paid, is, IMO something you would expect to have in the tool - not be directed to a partner to pay for a standard feature.