HubSpot Ideas


Cloning a Deal

Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please! Smiley Happy


Update from @JoeMayallDue to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."

729 Replies

It is only free for single-user accounts? Will have to pay 29USD if I am using business account? Ridiculous. 

Participant | Elite Partner

Hello AMah, we understand your thoughts. I wanted to share with you that this app was made from scratch and is stored in our server that generates a monthly cost. We provide the manual duplication for free, the purchase is only when you require automated duplication.


This needs to work for other object types, including custom objects. My sales team has a custom object that they use more frequently than deals, called "Job Openings." Quite often they will create several new job openinings at a time that are unique but have identitcal information. 


Other CRM's offer cloning/duplicating records as a feature. It is strange to me that this has been on the idea board for several years now. How can we move it forward?


Adding my vote onto this one. As a business who does a lot of transactions with annual recurring business as well as in contract growth/expansions this option would save a lot of time if we could clone from the last deal and only update a small amount of into that is changing. ie date and amounts

For the team - someone at my company found this app - which while not
perfect does 80% of the job, and the baseline version is free.


@SKester that app is good for deals. I've reached out to this company and other similar apps and a few of them have plans to make their tool work with custom objects, I havent found any that currently do. I'm just mentioning this in hopes that others will reach out as well, and also so that HubSpot will also implement this feature for custom objects when/if they do for deals.

Top Contributor

When I think of cloning a deal, I usually think about being able to do one-off clones.


For us, we also have annual renewals for multiple customers. I'm not sure how cloning a deal would work for that. What I'm doing right now is that I create a file from our external database with all of the deal fields and import the deals into HBS.  An alternative is to export deal info using HBS reports, tweak the data and then import the new deal into HBS.


The whole point of a CRM is to be able to do simple/basic things such as cloning a deal.  The fact that we all have to use an external source/process for this is utterly ridiculous.    We still fail to hear from Hubspot on why they think this is a difficult thing to do or not worthy of their so called CRM.    WAKE UP HUBSPOT, IT'S 2022 ... AND ALL WE ASK FOR IS A SIMPLE BASIC CRM FUNCTIONALITY!!!


We are a SaaS company with yearly renewals, and pricing doesn't often change too much. It would be great to be able to clone deals and just update dates as needed.


Top rated request in the whole forum and yet 'not planned' 😬


y'all....this is realy absurd. Everyone on this forum already knows the obvious, it is a basic functionality that should have been out of the box on the first build and this feature is HIGHLY requested. Makes me think there is something going on with $$ from other third party solutions. It is absurd the consumer has to pay additional monthly fees just to gain this functionality... something else is going on here. 


Have to say I'm really surprised this wasn't part of the original functionality. Is this still being targeted on the road map? Thanks.


Our users do workshops with the same companies every single year. We have them on a pipeline which works just great. But if we could add the option to clone a deal, I believe that would be a huge time saver for our users.

Contributor | Elite Partner

Hey @AKoury! We have any app, Clone Attack, that allows you to clone deals and choose what information (associated objects, notes/files, line items, etc.) you want to clone over. It also has a workflow action so you can automate this process. PLUS a native feature to increment deal dates dynamically (add 1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks, etc.). 


I agree @AKoury  was literally discussing this with support yesterday.

They sent me a link to a simular thread which I upvoted, so might be worth heading over to that too and upvoting. and counter linking your idea to that one, so thos people can upvote this thread on the Ideas page. 



Somewhat surprised that year after year Hubspot still hasn't been able to release the cloning feature. Quite tedious to need to copy all fields from one deal to another when they are almost identical.


Any news? Seems like this is a high request


I agree this is really important and shouldnt require an outside app to do it. 

The functionality would be to clone a deal and keep th exitsing contacts and company connected. Then just have the option to update start dates and any other property that needs updating. Thank you!


Cloning deals is essential functionality for subscirption based companies.  Without this functionality, it is extremely manual to copy all fields over.  Please keep us posted on this rollout.  Understand limited resources but this has been pending for 6 years now...

HubSpot Product Team

Hello HubSpot Community, 


Thank you all for your incredible patience. We reckon an update is warranted. 


Unfortunately, this idea remains unplanned. The team is currently planning some really valuable, high-impact features (e.g. team goals, deal overlays, color coding the deals board) that fall higher on the priority list. We can't take this on. But we understand the need and see the value in a cloning feature. 


Fortunately, there's a workaround. You can use workflows to create a new deal and copy data from the existing deal. 

Thank you for making HubSpot CRM a better tool.