Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please!
Update from @JoeMayall: Due to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."
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For any Zapier users out there, I SOLVED THIS PROBLEM, at least for our purposes. Have a look:
I created a custom deal property that I call "Clone Deal" and then just made it a checkbox (TRUE/FALSE) property.
see here:
I then created a zap with zapier that monitors that particular field for a change. As soon as the estimator makes the change to that "Clone deal" property and saves the changes in the deal the zap fires. Here is what I built out in the Zap:
See here:
Step two in the zap is a filter that will only proceed if the "Clone Deal" value is set to "Yes" (TRUE), just in case an estimator changes the property to "No" we do not want to continue cloning the deal.
Step 3 is just the HubSpot --> "Create Deal" function, and I just input all the properties from the deal that triggered the zap into the new deal that is being created.
Step 4 finds the Contact ID that is associated with the original deal
Step 5 associates the newly created (or cloned) deal to the same contact.
You could also add another step that emails the user when the deal is done being created with a link to the newly cloned deal, but I haven't don that yet.
Also, you could do this process multiple times, but just switching the Clone Deal property back to "No." Saving the deal. Then Switching it back to "Yes" and saving again.
Background on how we use it:
Our painting company will create deals when a customer calls for an estimate. Frequently, the customer is in need of multiple services for example carpentry, drywall repair, and interior painting (we abbreviate that with "CARP DRY INT" for context). We want to keep those three services as one deal initially because the estimator is going to the house one time to give an estimate for all the services. However, once the customer excepts the deal we want to be able to split it into three separate deals because often times we need to schedule and produce those deals months apart (especially if there is exterior work that is weather dependent). So our estimators need to duplicate the original deal three times, and literally everything is the same except the project type, and the dollar amount.
@AAnderson8 Our app clone attack will not only do your duplicates, but will soon allow you to set defaults when duplicating, as well as change the pipeline/stage upon duplication!
Use Case: We want to make sure notes that were in prior deals with a prospect or client (that didn’t come to fruition but now are back on the table) aren’t missed in the current deal.
We currently transitioned from PipeDrive to HubSpot. While there are many reasons why we made the switch (your reporting is much better for example,) one of the important features of PipeDrive is the ability to clone a deal. I have many projects where the same products are deployed in several or many different locations. In HubSpot, the deal name and quote name are the only data that change in this instance. Having to completely repeat this information over and over again is VERY time consuming and prone to errors. PLEASE fix this!!!
@JHerlem@BradSalerno I support @Daxchemist message. We've been using his Clone Attack. It does what we're all asking for and more. Easy to use, and I would contend, a permanant solution, not just a stop gap for this Hubspot problem.
This is a critical requirement for our company. It is a standard feature in other CRM's. Based on the feedback provided, this should be a priority for 2021. Adding the same deal month after month is time consuming and not an effective way for our team to sell.
Wondering when the last 'Hubspot' Product Owner comments was as there are years of customers saying the same thing....i.e. this is an essential feature
this issue started in 2017... What I can see since then two types of comments: 1. please we need deal cloning feature, 2. hey, why don't you use an additional application to solve your issue.
I really don't get it what takes so long, to develop this function, and why is this even a question, whether HS does it or not? This is so obviously needed. Is it really a rocket science?
And yes, a HubSpot Moderator's up-to-date comment would be much appreciated.
So much fun that a 3rd part company making money on this core function. I think HS could easy avoing this large thread of complaining by do a easy plugin for this and just put in a Beta Format and let us customers decided what to clone or not.
Thank you to the additional commentors. And, please no more solicitations from 3rd party apps to clone a deal. Our company has zero interest in additional fees when this should be native to HUBSPOT. Thank you.
HS should be embarassed that this was identified 2.5 years ago and nothing has been done. Duplicating is a BASIC and NECESSARY feature people are pleading for, and HS can't be bothered. I imagine them high-fiving in the boardroom when Clone Attack came out, as they feel they've killed two birds with one stone - they make a few bucks off Clone Attack, and can cross this off their development tasks. Brutal.
Don't worry about custom clone settings, customizing this or that, only cloning certain fields... Just add a button to clone the whole deal. It's 100x easier to clone the whole thing and delete comments/notes/attachements as needed, than to do any amount of re-typing from scratch.
Make your customers happy Hubspot. Stop forcing us into PAID third party apps for what can be very easily argued as missing core functionality.
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