HubSpot Ideas


Cloning a Deal

Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please! Smiley Happy


Update from @JoeMayallDue to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of June 10th, 2020, we estimate this thread has around 500 upvotes. I'll continue to update this count as the thread receives upvotes."

729 Replies

I would love to be able to clone deals - as well as Companies - too!


This is a simple one click solution in Salesforce. I don't understand why HS can't manage this. There are many businesses using HS that have ARR or even MRR deals that simply new cloning. Having to either 1. rewrite a deal or 2. pay for another 3rd party widget/extension is just a joke. It is totally unproductive, wasting the time of sales people. I am seriously considering moving across to Salesforce as our volume of deals that needs cloning is growing so much. 



Any news in this, topic? Do you plan that funcionality? Its really frustrating to copy past all properties every month.


The extensions are not GDPR compliant and therefore cannot be used by us. "Josel Litre" is right, it's insanely frustrating and should be a basic feature!



I wholeheartedley agree.....why pay someone else for basic functionality or continue to have to spend time re-writing deals.


this needs to be native to hubspost please.


I'm still duplicating deals by creating new opportunities and setting the same parameters.  
Duplication of deals remains a much-needed feature. 




Just to update here, you can now create inside Hubspot a complete workflow to duplicate automatically your deal.

In that case one big thing to have in mind : Creating deals in deal-based workflows can trigger an infinite loop. Make sure the deal you create doesn't meet the trigger criteria for this workflow.

Normally any workflow deal-based with a lifecycle in a specifc pipeline should be with no risk of infinite loop.


Last thing, if you want to manually enrolled a deal in your workflow to be copy you have a few tips : 

  • Use a dedicated list as an additionnal trigger in your workflow (with a "OR" logic)
  • Une a dedicated property (boolean type true/false) as an additionnal trigger in your workflow (with a "OR" logic)

@Jim_from_Charik is correct. I've created workflows to clone deals now. It works well.

Takes a bit of effort to get right but I now have a complex workflow that takes our lead gen pipeline and once the deal is won > clones the deal into the appropriate pipeline by region. 


Give it a try!

Do your duplicated deals include associated contacts and companies?

That’s where I get stuck.
Each of my deals repeats each season with the same company and contact just a different name, campaign date and deal package.

I'm sure it's been said by others here but just wanted to reiterate - I have a workflow to auto create renewal deals but this doesn't help me in one off situations where I would LOVE a button to just clone all of the info into a new deal.  For example, a renewing customer who is also expanding (we like to track these in separate deals).  I have all the info I need in the renewal deal but now need to create a new one from scratch and copy all the information from one to the other.  Another example, I've just marked a deal as closed lost but want to open a win back deal for several months down the road.  I have to manually copy all of the details from the closed lost deal to this new deal.  These one offs come up where I really would love to have the ability to just clone it.

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Even the simple case of a Closed Lost deal that reemerges months/years later. It would save a lot of key strokes to be able to duplicate the deal and then change the few fields that need changing.


HubSpot intentionally leaves out simple functions such as 'deal duplication', to profit off of thier marketplace offerings and third party app creators. It is very obvious. This feature was reccommended 7 YEARS AGO and still gets attention and requests for this feature every single day, with no action taken from HubSpot. There are also many other simple fucntions that they don't include, requiring you to pay for a third party app within their marketplace. 

Really, the silence on this issue is rather puzzling!

Replying to show that customers still want this function - my whole company is consistently making ~300+ deals in a week and has an increased need to duplicate/clone deals to save us time. I know there are 3rd party tools, but it seems that we should have the functionality in our package with HubSpot directly and not have to vet and source a 3rd party tool.


6 months ago I replied to this thread - our company still needs this feature. 


Would love to have this feature too! Also needed for several customers.


This would be incredibly helpful for my team's workflow. Very often where we want things like lead source and other details to stay consistent on expansion deals, and havign to create a new deal from scratch seems like a wasted opportunity to speed things up.


upvoted.  It would be great to clone a deal within a company or contact and also within others.  we have RFQs that go out to multiple customers and currently have to reproduce them for each customer.  very time consuming

Quoter fixes this and integrates with HubSpot. Easy to set up by yourself and the functionality, reporting, and integration is very high quality. HubSpot has made it clear they have no intentions in making the quoting tool useable and it is just a thing they tacked on to add to their "features".
