HubSpot Ideas


Cloning Properties Fields between Types or more generic "Creating Shared Properties"

We have created Company Properties that should also be made available in the Contact Properties. (I am not talking about creating a workflow that copies content from property A to property B) It is about making the full set of custom property fields available in another section.

In our case it´s Licensed products and modules which should be available at both, company AND contact level for marketing automation, e.g. employee from company A visits a certain page on our web page. The system should know that this employee´s company has product XYZ in order to e.g. show a specific CTA/form etc. Another one would be creating lists based on contact properties, e.g. send special upgrade quote to all that use Module A and C to upgrade to the ABC-Bundle etc.


It is very valuable to have such information not only at company level because it is certain employees showing activity thus these individuals should e.g. go onto a certain list etc.


A good option would be to allow for creation of "Shared Properties" which are available to all sections, i.e. Customer/Contact/Deals/Tickets. With that they could simply be selected where needed.

10 Replies

Totally agree. 

Company name, domain or Company URL are properties which should be shared between company and contact. Or have the ability to associate company and contact by some way other than just email domain and company domain match. When a contact fills 1 form the properties should update for both company and contact when the internal name or property is the same between the objects.  Here's the use case


We are an agency partner. Facing a situation with a client where the email domain and company domain typically don't match so unable to automatically associate companies and contacts. Designed a work-flow to populate contact properties into company properties. Since the company doesn't exist in most cases, the work-flow doesn't function as expected. So have to manually create an associated company/ contact and manually enroll in the work-flow for each contact form submission. As the work-flow triggers based on form submission and just completes without the fields being copied over. Not scalable!


Cloning properties is a pain !

And the copy feature with the workflow is really not a suitable solution !

Shared properties accross chosen categories Contact/Company/Deal/Ticket would be a game changer.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

I solved this if you are still looking for an answer.


Hey @twengler ,
Thanks for sharing.
I'd be glad to hear how you did it.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

i will send video by email - when i attach a video the post gets rejected


@twengler would love to see the video as well! 

Contributor | Platinum Partner

@jmh117  our tech works from behind the scenes - we copy over all custom properties, workflows, forms, and pipelines from 1 portal to another - this takes about 5 minutes to run and it's done.


Lots of use cases.


It's crazy you can't have shared properties, and you have to maintain two properties one at each the deal and contact level. In salesforce or pipedrive, you can just collect data at the lead level, and have it flow into the deal 


Yes, I don't understand why you can't have a form come in as a ticket and have all properties clearly shown without haveing every property a designated Ticket property. Makes me not want to use Hubspot forms at all. Really frustrating.


Same topic. I want to share properties from different catagories in views lists and use it as filters to creating lists. Currently it is not possible. Come on it is software. And it is no solution to duplicate properties special when you need to care for both of them.