HubSpot Ideas


Clone workflow actions across workflows

I am a support agent, and a common issue I see is users build a workflow but the build the wrong type. Eg. They build a contacts based workflow instead of deal based. 

When they realize that the WF isn't functioning as needed they have to recreate the entire workflow. It is great that we can clone actions now, but it would be great for our customers (and a huge time saver) if they could clone actions and carry them to another workflow.

6 Replies
HubSpot Employee

Meu cliente cria ações que se repetem nas automações do pipeline e seria muito útil poder clonar ações através de fluxos diferentes. 


This would be really valuable, especially when the workflow is complex! An alternative that would also work would be to enable the ability to convert a workflow from one type to another, with perhaps some error flags for steps that will be removed by the conversion. 

Also related is the issue of not being able to remove date triggers from scheduled workflows to convert them to non-scheduled ones, which would seem to be a very simple conversion where nothing else would need changing. 


This is a great enhancement! I would love the ability to clone actions across workflows. I have recently inquired about this to our HubSpot partner who informed me this was not possible. Please add this feature in the future. 


I am also very interested in being able to clone actions across workflows.  For example, I'd like to clone the same task into multiple other workflows, and just customize a few details in each workflow.  It would be much easier to be able to clone and edit instead of starting it from scratch.  I've already created the other workflows and so cloning the entire workflow does not solve it. 


Being able to save action templates to use across workflows would be a nice feature to save some time and improve ux. 


I think HubSpot was listening to you. I also faced the same issue and hoped for a feature which allows cloning actions from one workflow to another. I saw that now you can copy actions to clipboard and paste them to another workflow. It's a relatively new feature but it's a welcome add-on.